Good art allows me to flee the realms of reality. In my mind's limitless consciousness, I can escape the mundanity of everyday life. It opens a door in my head to a world only limited by my imagination. I am no more a slave to gravity, chained down on the earth when I am reading. I can be a bird and soar high above the clouds, or be a fish and swim deep down in the darkest depths of the ocean. I am there, I am that person, and everything else around me regardless of what it is, fades away. Sometimes these people are the one's I'd like to be but sometimes I encounter nefarious characters I wholly condemn. I am able to feel the emotions that the artist intends for me to feel. However, it is not merely reading or listening, but understanding …show more content…
Languages form an essential part of every human experience. To express oneself is one of the simplest joys we can experience. English and Music are two such languages in my life, that indirectly relate to, have a profound impact on mine. My interests in Music, just as in Literature, extend to a wide array of genres, whether it be Bob Dylan or Tchaikovsky. After relentless perseverance at the age of 16, My father bought me a black dreadnought. I spent hours upon hours practicing by watching instructional videos and my favorite guitar players play. In no time I was playing shows, from winning school competitions to performing at live music theatre events. I had soon established a name for myself as a singer-songwriter by being a supporting act for many bands. I soon began recording my rendition of songs on my laptop, eventually writing my own music and now working on my album. This has proved to be a huge learning curve, in enabling me to understand the dynamics of a composition, Thereby continually improving myself. In my spare time, I have been teaching English to Arab students. It has been a remarkably challenging experience. I have learned far more teaching than I had as a student, in trying to articulate my thoughts in words they could understand. This has been a humbling and rewarding experience. I realize there remains a vast ocean of knowledge I am still unaware of, which empowers me to thrive and work hard in an undergraduate environment.
The thought of art is more than what you see it is what you feel and what you learn from looking at it. Art can heal the soul and create and new outlook on images we may see every day. Sadly, we may not always see the art in things, pieces, or, humans.
I was fortuned to have had parents who had a respect for all kinds of art and approached life with an open mind. Thus being furthered blessed to grow up near a metropolis which possesses a major art museum and galleries showcasing new talent, filling young eyes with wonderment. An art appreciation study early own in life would have been beneficial but alas, I burn with shame as one who falls in the class of “I know what I like” when asked about art. I am all agog for semester’s end to be better equipped to articulate on why I am moved by a particular piece. After listening to the first week lecture and reading the first two chapters of the course text, it was difficult to narrow the subject of my essay to one subject. But, Chapter Ones quotes
Art is something we use every day of our lives. It is included in almost everything. Artists express their emotions and feelings in their art work because that is an artist’s job. In order for an artist to create great art, they need knowledge and empathy to make their art work meaningful.
Throughout my tenure in highschool, I have found that dissecting a work of art and looking critically into every fragment paints a picture far greater than just that of the face value of the same composition. Searching for intricacies and and deciphering the underlying message brings out the true intention of the artist's work. Likewise, delving deep into their words or actions unlocks a door to a deeper examination of yourself as a person, that at the very foundation is no different from what the artist is, or once was. Take for example a painting hung slightly off center in a crowded art museum. In that painting everything is meant to form a cohesive picture. Without thinking, you find yourself standing, just staring at that picture in admiration,
Attention Getter: Art can be used to express our innermost feelings and to convey ideas about anything such as society, economics, education, religion, and politics.
According to Mandel, art reminds us that we’re human. It is a subconscious human instinct, even “in the midst of catastrophe” (Knopf).
Art is a way for humans to express creativity and imagination in various mediums of work. Art can come in the forms but are not limited to paintings, sculptures, architecture, statues, dramas, plays, music, and dance. To me, art is something that causes the person observing the artwork to feel a certain emotion such as pain, love, fear, or sadness. A great piece of artwork can make the viewer almost feel like they can replace themselves with those involved in the medium and feel the exact emotion as those in the piece feel. An example of this would be viewing the play Cyrano de Burgerac, where the playwright or artist of the play makes it possible for the viewers’ hearts to break as Roxane tells Cyrano how great the words of
A lot of people think that art can only go as far as a class in school, but in reality there is art around everyone. Art can be a way of life for some people, and for others it is simply just something they pass every single day. What they do not realize is that art can have benefits in different aspects in their life, in children's lives, and even the world around them.
A work of art can capture a moment in a person’s life. When observing art it’s almost like a snapshot of a brief point in time. The artist tries to create this specific point, and within this creates a story or meaning. The art has something to say and the artist wants you to react or take something away from this experience. The reaction is the function of the specific work of art. Whether it’s a favorable or awful reaction, the viewer still walks away changed.
Most people judge whether something is art by its quality while others see it only when it evokes an emotional response from its audience. Art, however, simply needs a
I think that the end result is truthfulness. Every artist must be sincere and truthful if he wants to be a great and true artist over and over again art is predictable to request and bond with human being feelings. Art can awaken aesthetic or ethical feelings. The amount of skillfulness that the artist has will influence over the capability they have so they can to generate an emotional response and by this means make available new insights. Art tends to smooth the progress of spontaneous slightly than coherent thoughtfulness, and frequently it is knowingly shaped with this purpose. Art calculatedly serves no other function. As a result of this forward motion, works of art are hard to pin down, refractive to attempts at arrangement, for the reason that they can be respected in more than one way, and are often vulnerable to many dissimilar interpretations. Even art that to every appearance depicts a commonplace proceedings or items may encourage manifestation upon prominent themes. Conventionally, the uppermost achievements of art make obvious a high intensity of ability or fluency within a medium. This characteristic might be considered a point of contention, since many contemporary artists (particularly, theoretical artists) do not themselves produce the moving parts they envisage, or do not even produce the labor in a straight, affectionate wisdom. Art has a capacity of transforming: predominantly confers
Most forms of therapy are centered on verbal communication. Art therapy, however, breaks that mold and introduces a more creative means of both communicating ideas and learning to grow. The American Art Therapy Association defines art therapy as:
Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South and Madonna Enthroned are very similar images that were produced by very different cultures. Both images were produced during the 13th Century. The image of Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South was produced in Tibet during an interesting period of the country’s religious history. The branch of Tibetan Buddhism is led by a religious and sometimes political leader called the Dalai Lama. It was during the 13th Century during the reign of Kublai Khan, around the time of the production of this painting, that Tibet experienced the first incarnation of the Dalai Lama. One has to wonder if this painting is somehow related to that occurrence. According to
Art is personal; an expression of inner thoughts and desires, affecting the way I not only see the world but myself. In order for a person to grow they must know who they are, their aspirations, the true nature of their thoughts, and their actuality of their persona; the physicality of art has given me this knowledge. With practicing in the arts I am able to grow as a person and I am able to see that growth within me. For with the expression of creativity, comes an outlet, an outlet of the unconscious, forming and showing the reality of the mind. This outlet releases internal emotions and helps me to find tranquility within myself. This state of mind is a supplement for my own personal problems. Also, I am able to create new ideas, ones that help me see the world in a new light. I am able to form a relaxing and mesmerizing state of mind, one that leaves me fascinated with the world around me, along with a deep love for simplicity. Visual arts have truly given me an insight on my own mind and happiness in my life. This is why I full-heartedly believe and practice in the arts, to find peace of mind, not in the world, but in myself.
The most important trait in defining art is its beauty. As complex as the term “art” can be, the term “beauty” is nearly just as complicated. In order to understand art more clearly it is important to understand beauty. “We label an object beautiful because it promotes an internal harmony or ‘free play’ of our mental faculties; we call something ‘beautiful’ when it elicits this pleasure.” (Freeland 8). As defined above, beauty is not a direct message. It is something that subconsciously allows man to feel good and pleasurable. There is “an internal harmony” when we observe something beautiful that allows us to take away a deeper understanding of a work of art regardless of it being “nice looking” or “ugly”.