
Art Analysis: The Death Of Marat

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The photo I chose was “The Death of Marat.” This picture has significant meaning and a powerful back story. It speaks two different voices for each side of the fence during the France revolution. For some individuals this picture was a symbol of power because Marat was looked up as a rebel and a leader, but to the others this picture represented victory and a new start because Marat had been killed and it saved hundreds of thousands of civilians from being beheaded. As the movie wasteland show cased the image as a rebellion leader who was killed trying to lead his people from unfair treatment. This gives the actual image a sense that Marat wasn’t a terrorist but a hero who died fighting for his people. This artwork was created in 1793 and still has so much meaning and it’s an example on how, although people live in the same country or even city; there’s always going to be conflict do to different perspectives and views …show more content…

The first meaning is showing Marat off as the death of a leader and almost upon as a savior of the whole community. To some the picture is persuading almost as the paintings of Christ as far as the symbolic meaning of the dead man. The difference the between Two paintings is that on the other hand, some people look at this painting as a sign of victory because it’s the death of a terrorist and a monster. The symbolic meaning of Marat creates different meanings for two different minded groups of people in the same community. Which is an example that this pictures not only shows but speaks that you have to know the back story to all paintings before making your full judgement off what something actually

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