
Art As Propaganda

Decent Essays

I found the two assigned readings this week quite compelling and extremely thought-provoking. Specifically, the questions that both raised surrounding notions of the determined value of art and the need to decolonize the monetary exchanges about art between Africans and Western traders/collectors. In Art as Propaganda: Bringing Du Bois into the Sociology of Art, money is included as one of the key elements of the Du Boisian social theory of art. Particularly, the importance of artists receiving compensation for their work and consumer organizations, such as libraries and schools, supporting artists monetarily. Although this seems painfully obvious, it does present a key moment for more critical analysis. Particularly, how in contemporary times, this idea …show more content…

Although both groups are working within a capitalistic system, the different value systems and exchanges take on a colonialist nature because of the power dynamics that occur during the exchange. Additionally, there is a level of exploitation here because African traders are often dependent on selling their art as means to survive versus Westerners, who are wealthy and privileged enough to travel to consume art and not dependent on it to maintain life necessities. Therefore, Westerners are in a position of authority to determine the value of the art because the trader needs the sale more than the Westerner needs the purchase. This offers an opportunity to consider the ways in which the art world must be decolonized between Africa and the Western world due to the different valuation systems, but also, the socioeconomic disparities between the two groups and the privilege and power that one has over the

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