
Art History By Whitney Chadwick: Mistreatment Of Women Artists

Decent Essays

Kizito Umunakwe 9/12/15 The work of art focuses on the artist’s personalities and their ability to bring life to the art they create. Throughout history there have been many interpretations of one’s art, some even can tell who the sex or gender is, by looking at a painting. Most times, men are the ones given credit for the painting; women are rarely given credit when it comes to art. Throughout history, women were not acknowledged by men, they were believed not to be “genius” therefore making them inferior to men. The Article, Art History and the woman artist, written by Whitney Chadwick talks about the mistreatment of women artists. Chadwick talks about Marietta Robusti, who is a sixteen century Venetian painter. She is the daughter of Tintoretto, …show more content…

Since Robusti’s painting was very similar to that of her father, she was not credited for her artwork, rather it was credited to her father. She was considered a workshop assistant; “assistants were largely confined to working on less important areas of the canvas” (20), which shows that Robusti was treated as someone who was barely an artist, despite her having multiple artworks. “The work of many women has been absorbed into that of their better known male colleagues” (22). Although many women’s artwork were displayed, they were not given credit, rather it was given to a male companion. Women have the freedom to create art, but not the freedom to display it as theirs. Their identity was taken from them, a painting is someone’s personality and soul that was stolen once it was taken by another artist. “Judith Leyster, the daughter of a small ware-weaver, she was the only female member of the painter's guild known to have had a workshop” (22). Judith Leyster was not one’s average seventeenth-century woman, most female artists didn’t have a workshop of their own, and in a way she was a …show more content…

She is now seen as a regular domesticated woman, a “simple” creature with no “intellect”. Throughout history art has been masculine based. “The world artist means man” (28), showing that art was not meant to include women, women were not meant to be artists. They have been underestimated throughout history, because of their place in society, and as they were believed to be simple creatures who couldn’t think for themselves. “So long as a woman remains from unsexing herself, let her dabble in anything” (31). This acknowledges that women can say what they want to as long as they know their place, meaning that no matter what the woman says her voice will not be heard or taken seriously. “The woman of genius does not exist. When she does, she is a man” (31). Women are not meant to be intelligent, if a woman is intelligent or show signs of intelligence, she seems to be considered a man. This shows that women were not seen as smart individuals, and this is also seen as an identity crisis, in which their gender/ sex is taken away from them for being intellectual

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