
Arthropoda Phyla

Decent Essays

Phyla represents a taxonomical relationship between living organisms within a kingdom. Such relationships are based on morphological characteristics that defines similar evolutionary patterns. In response to this question, I am going to discuss the nervous systems found in Arthropoda phylum. Traditionally, there were significant number of conflicts regarding phylogenetic relationships within Arthropoda. However, recent studies have highlighted the advancement in recognizing significant morphological characters within Arthropoda. Harzsch (2006) provided a detailed overview of structural development of brain and ventral nerve cord from cellular unit to the neuropil system among different organisms within the Arthropoda phylum (Harzsch, 2006). In the Euarthropoda nervous system, there are three anterior neuromeres, namely, protocerebrum, duetocerebrum and tritocerebrum. The esophagus of Euarthropoda passes through deutocerebral segment, …show more content…

When lateral eyes receives visual information, it is processed in the lamina and lobula plate, sublobula connected by visual fibres. In addition, while the appendages associated with duetocerebrum provides mechano-sensory input and to some extent chemosensory input, on the other hand, the appendages associated with tritocerebrum provides mechano-sensory input only. In the case of Tetraconata, the underlying structure of ommatidium of lateral eyes is fixed with 2 corneagenous cells, 4 crystalline cone cells, 8 retinula cells, and pigment cells and different from other organisms. The lateral eyes has a central complex which includes anterior medial cell cluster (plesiomorphic); the protocerebral bridge (apomorphic); the central body (plesiomorphic); the paired lateral lobes linked by commissural fibers (apomorphic); and the paired lateral cell clusters slightly posterior to the central body

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