Phyla represents a taxonomical relationship between living organisms within a kingdom. Such relationships are based on morphological characteristics that defines similar evolutionary patterns. In response to this question, I am going to discuss the nervous systems found in Arthropoda phylum. Traditionally, there were significant number of conflicts regarding phylogenetic relationships within Arthropoda. However, recent studies have highlighted the advancement in recognizing significant morphological characters within Arthropoda. Harzsch (2006) provided a detailed overview of structural development of brain and ventral nerve cord from cellular unit to the neuropil system among different organisms within the Arthropoda phylum (Harzsch, 2006). In the Euarthropoda nervous system, there are three anterior neuromeres, namely, protocerebrum, duetocerebrum and tritocerebrum. The esophagus of Euarthropoda passes through deutocerebral segment, …show more content…
When lateral eyes receives visual information, it is processed in the lamina and lobula plate, sublobula connected by visual fibres. In addition, while the appendages associated with duetocerebrum provides mechano-sensory input and to some extent chemosensory input, on the other hand, the appendages associated with tritocerebrum provides mechano-sensory input only. In the case of Tetraconata, the underlying structure of ommatidium of lateral eyes is fixed with 2 corneagenous cells, 4 crystalline cone cells, 8 retinula cells, and pigment cells and different from other organisms. The lateral eyes has a central complex which includes anterior medial cell cluster (plesiomorphic); the protocerebral bridge (apomorphic); the central body (plesiomorphic); the paired lateral lobes linked by commissural fibers (apomorphic); and the paired lateral cell clusters slightly posterior to the central body
a) The structures and the afferent division of the peripheral nervous system that are involved in
The ganglion and the two nerve cords that run along either side of the planaria are connected and are all used in the process of sensing stimuli that occur in the animal’s surrounding. Running back and forth from the organism’s sides are transverse nerve cords; each of these cords connect to the two lateral nerve cords at commissures. By observing the two nerve cords and the many transverse nerve cords, the Dugesia tigrina’s nervous system appears similar to a ladder (Miller 2007).
The octopus has several main organs that are vital to its survival; the brain for its intelligence; the ink sack for its defense; and the arms for capturing its prey. This paper will discuss these different organs and how they have evolved physiologically to its environment.
On this image, we see the external dorsal side of a preserved crayfish. As part of the largest animal phylum the Arthropoda, the body of the crayfish is segmented, with jointed appendages and exoskeleton. The paired antennae (1) are long appendages located the front of the mouth and modified for help the animal to sense touch and taste. The antennules (2) are shorter, also paired with the same function but they also help to maintain balance. The chelipeds (3) are located on the front of the thorax, and they are responsible for defence and grasping food. On the at ventral part of the thorax, we found four pairs of walking legs (4), with these legs the crayfish changes locations on the bottom of freshwater lakes, streams and also on land. They
Fig. __ Feed-forward projections from the eyes to the brain and topographic mapping. In each eye the visual field on the left and right of the fovea (the cut goes right through the fovea!) projects to different cortical hemispheres: the ipsilateral retina projects to the ipsilateral visual cortex, and the contralateral retina crosses the contralateral cortex (hemifield crossing in the optic chiasma). The first synapse of the retinal ganglion cells is in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), but information from the left (L) and right (R) eye remains strictly separated. The LGN consists of six layers, layers 1 and 2 are primarily occupied by the magnocellular pathway, and 3–6 by the parvocellular. Information from both eyes comes first together
Phylum: Chordata, an organism who developed a notched, a nervous system with that contain gill cleft with the vertebrates.
Steele, V.J., and Oshel, P.E 1989. Ultrastructure of the attachment cells of the organ of Bellonci in Gammarus setosus (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Journal of Morphology, 200(1), 93-119.
The kingdom Animalia means animal. The phylum Chordata includes animals with vertebrates. The class Chrondrichthyes includes cartilaginous fish, which are fish that has a skeleton made of cartilage rather than bones. The family Lamnidae includes sharks as the white shark and mackerel sharks. These sharks are usually very large and can swim really fast. The genus is the group before the species which includes other sharks that are very similar to the white shark. The species is the last group, which contains the Latin name of the specific organism. Through taxonomy, scientists are easily able to identify and classify species.
cesses; glial cells; and an investment of sheath cells. Sheath cells are absent in Octopus
In this lab, we conducted multiple experiments on planarians and examined their reactions toward variety of stimuli. First and foremost, we have to be able to identify the fundamental structure of the planarians; especially the nervous system. Planarians are grouped into Class Turbellaria. They have a central nervous system that consists of 2 to 6 ventral nerve cords and subepideral nerve net also known as cephalization. Cephalization is more advanced because the system now has more neurons, sense cells, larger ganglia compared to the simple nerve net system. The ventral nerve cords are connected to ganglia that lay interiorly to the ventral epidermis that close to the midline and run the length of the body (Scott, 2014, p. 54). The information
Research of echinoderm regeneration on the molecular level has been taking a hit because of the lack of critical mass, but this has all changed lately. It is now possible for scientists to experiment echinoderm genome regeneration on the molecular level. The study done by this host of scientists from the University of London has one main goal, and that goal is to identify the genes that are involved in the regeneration process of Echinodermata. To be more specific, they are looking at the processes of neutral regeneration in specific echinoderm species. Echinoderms have been used as a model organism for development over a long period of time, but just recently they have been on the horizon of molecular advances.
The terrestrialization of tetrapods was a major evolutionary achievement and the basis for the diversification of all future land vertebrates. Among the most important innovations was the tetrapod limb, which evolved from the fins of ancestral lobbed-finned fish. Most notably, the dermal fin rays and rigid fin fibrils common to all fish species disappeared during limb evolution. Early pectoral fin formation in teleost embryos share many morphological similarities to early limb development. One of the first major differences is the fate of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). The AER is a thickening of ectodermal cells in the distal bud. It is responsible for mesenchymal survival, proliferation, and bud outgrowth. In tetrapods, the AER regresses
From the beginning of time the simplest of life forms can be linked to those characteristics that human possess. Amphioxus is a small sea dwelling creator that has no eye, ears, or jaw but can be linked to humans by its nerve cord, segmented muscles that aid in movement, notochord that acts like a backbone, and the gill slits just like the ones human embryos possess.
According to Moroz (2009) two hypotheses are given to describe the evolution of the CNS. These are monophyly and polyphyly. According to monophyly all the neuronal cells originated from a single ancestral cell lines. Another hypothesis known as polyphyly, complex brains originated from multiple origins in different animal lineages. In 1830, Geoffroy suggested the homology of ventral and dorsal sides of the vertebrates. In 1994, Arendt et al., repotedted that during the evolution of chordates inversion of the dorso-ventral body axis took place and the ventral side of the ancestral arthropods become the dorsal side of the
To understand the applications of mantis shrimp vision; we must first understand how the eyes of the mantis shrimp work. The compound eye of the mantis shrimp is made up of many ommatidia; “an ommatidium is like a simple but complete photoreceptor organ consisting of optical components and receptor cells” Most research suggests that the vision experienced by the mantis shrimp is due to three distinct regions in its eye; there is an upper and lower hemisphere separated by the midband; these regions are made of distinct ommatidia; adapted and responsible for different functions in the eye of the mantis shrimp. The research I have come across suggests that the most important region is the modified midband because this is the