
Arthur Modley Essay

Decent Essays

Like many other Harlem Renaissance artist, Archibald Motley Jr., was not from Harlem. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and spent most of his life in Chicago. Motley’s family lived in a quiet neighborhood on Chicago’s Southside in an environment that was easily open- minded. According to the Area of Design Museum, Motley did not spend much of his time growing up around blacks, because it was a disconnection throughout the community around him that established Motley as an outsider. Motley himself was light- skinned and mixed with European American. (Area of Design)
Motley struggled all of his life with his own racial identity that he grew up not appreciating his “race”. Growing up, Motley always knew that he wanted to be an artist. He …show more content…

Powell, a professor of art and art history at Duke University, calls Motley a "pioneering provocateur" who experimented with color and movement while "dealing with subject matter that might have been considered politically incorrect.” (Appleford) The figures in Motley’s work were always hurrying, gesturing, or going someplace. Throughout his career, Motley showed interest in capturing natural light and producing artificial light, especially in night scenes. His most infamous painting, “Night Life” depicted the African American culture in his work. It portrayed young, sophisticated city residents out on town. Nightlife is a distinct view of a dancehall in the Chicago Southside neighborhood, people are seated around tables on the right and left at a bar. The clock reads one o’clock, yet the place is still jumping with drinkers and dancers. Two bartenders serve customers and replace the plentiful display of liquor, and a number of couples dance energetically in the background to music provided by the jukebox.
“Motley unified the composition through his use of repeated forms and a pervasive burgundy tone that bathes the entire scene in intense, unnatural light.” (Powell 2) The vibrant composition and sharp colors vividly express the liveliness of the scene, making Nightlife one of Motley’s most celebrated

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