
Article Analysis: The War Of Meat Eating

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Since the beginning of time, the human race has changed in a variety of ways. In theTimes Magazine articles, The War of Delicious; Alzheimer's from a New Angle; The United States of Insdvency; Why You Shouldn't be Allowed to Drive; and Encounters with the Archgenius, all discuss how humanity is changing. In analyzing these articles it becomes quite clear that humanity is changing drastically and quickly because we are becoming blind to the world around us. We are not sure on what is in our food or how it is made, the technology we have today is becoming more and more powerful and is taking over our real life relationships with other people, the medicine that we have been discovering is curing more diseases than we could have even imagined …show more content…

But no less than in our DNA, the sights, scents, and rituals of meat eating are in our cultural DNA" (The War of Delicious pg. 5). Meat in today's culture is no longer healthy for humans, we do not realize this because as it states in the quote, 'eating meat is in our cultural DNA'. Meat is no longer healthy for humans because it is all processed and has artificial materials in it. "On October 26, the WHO officially identified processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning the quality of the evidence firmly links to cancer" (The War of Delicious pg.1). Cancer?! Who knew that what we, as humans, were eating could actually give us cancer and could kill us? Some of the reasons processed meats cause cancer are because of nitrates and nitrites, heme iron, and high temperatures. When handling meat we must be extremely cautious when it comes to high temperatures and meats it comes very dangerous because meat that is cooked at high heat can produce carcinogens. What is the cancer risk of eating processed meats? The cancer risk is if you eat 50 grams per day of processed meats. This …show more content…

From where we started from carving pictures into caves and making wheels and such things out of rocks, to the telephone, Internet and electricity, to robots, iPhones, and smart cars, humans have really advanced the world. Our technology today specifies in robot making and being able to drive without, well....actually driving. "Now and then we meet a controversy of deep and lasting dimensions. Some of our leading engineers and most brilliant theorists say the future of artificial intelligence is such a matter. Will machines learn to think like humans- and then to outthink us?" ( Encounters with the Archgenius pg. 1). The robots that engineers have been making are extremely smart. These could lead to a technology takeover! "Such machines might be made to look like humans, and even to react like humans" (Encounters with the Archgenius). The human race always afraid of the zombie apocalypse, but should we not be more concerned about something that can actually happen. If these robots get the chance to take over, they will take our jobs, leaving us without money which will cause an epidemic of other disasters. This will eventually end the human race which is a huge change in our world. The smart cars on the other hand can be a problem, yet a blessing. There are three main points that everyone should know about these new smart cars. One, they're here; two, they're superior drivers; and three, they're going to change everything.

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