
Article Review : Article Expectancy Affects Metacomprehension

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Journal article review: Text expectancy affects metacomprehension Summary Research Purpose & Methods The primary issue investigated by Theide, Wiley, and Griffin (2010) is if an individual’s conscious understanding of their reading comprehension and reading comprehension performance is impacted by the kind of test they expect. They were also curious to see if test expectancies varying on the level of assessed processing from earlier practice tests would transfer onto later reading comprehension test performance. The two variables manipulated in the study were test expectancy, either congruent or not, and tested processing type. The study used a 2 (expectancy either memory or inference) x 2 (question type memory or inference test) in which …show more content…

Then they completed practice five multiple-choice questions that matched their test expectancy instructions. Next participants proceeded to read six additional texts presented in a random order. After reading all articles, they predicted their reading comprehension performance and then completed a reading comprehension test consisting of a block of memory questions and a block of inference questions. Important Findings & Conclusions From the manipulations of test expectancy, Thiede et al.’s (2010) findings show that test performance was significantly better when test expectations matched the test type. Out of the two test types, participants scored significantly higher on the test assessing the processing level that they were expecting than the test they were not expecting. Their results also show that comprehension-monitoring accuracy was also better when the expected test matched the actual test performance. Statistical analysis found that on memory tests, participants’ expecting memory test monitoring was more accurate than the other group but not significant. Nevertheless, those in the memory expectancy group were significantly more accurate in monitoring their comprehension. Participants expecting inference test also had significantly higher monitoring accuracy on inference tests. They also concluded that their results agreed with previous findings on metacognitive congruency. Critique

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