
Artifacts And Analysis Of Practice

Good Essays

Part III. Artifacts and Analysis of Practice
The first artifact I collected as a part of my inquiry was a survey given to all of the students in my classes, which asked questions intended to provide me with a baseline of information about student perception of group work and lectures. The survey was anonymous, (asking only basic identifying information such as age, grade, and gender) and most of the surveyed classes were 10th grade, with one class composed of both 11th and 12th grade students. In addition to basic demographic information, I attempted to establish the frequency which students were exposed to both types of instruction in their school experiences by asking the question “how many of your teachers assign [type of …show more content…

Despite this, the disparity in responses of “some” between the two instructional styles indicates that, while lecture may be the dominant type of teaching style, group work still plays a major role in a significant part of student’s classes.
(Lecture in yellow, group work in purple) Another similarly telling question asked students to choose the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the statement “I look forward to [type of instruction].” As I anticipated, many students disagreed with this statement pertaining to lectures. In the group work question, the results were nearly reversed.
(Lecture in blue, group work in purple)
Despite this difference in general excitement about group work and lectures, a larger percentage of students responded “strongly disagree” for group work, than did the percentage of students who selected “strongly agree” for lectures. This indicates that lecture is generally disliked by most students, and those who do enjoy it are a more silent minority, while group work is more generally enjoyed by students, but has a more vocal minority that strongly dislike group work. Finally, for both types of instruction, I asked students to agree/disagree with a pair of questions; “I understand most of the information taught during [type of instruction]” and “I remember most of the information taught during [type of instruction].” For lecture, a significant portion of students said

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