"Aryanization" is the term used to describe the transfer of Jewish-owned businesses to German ownership during World War II. The word came from the concept that the German Nazis were forcing "non-Aryan" people (anybody who was not a German- furthered into the blonde hair and blue eyes trend brought on by Hitler as the “perfect race”) to give up their businesses to those of the Aryan race--hence, the turning from non-Aryan to Aryan. The intention behind this practice was both to assert the Aryan population as a so-called "superior race" to the rest of the world as well as furthering the attempt to "de-Jew" the German economy, as well as the economies of German-occupied countries. The process progressed methodically, compromising of two stages,
Imagine you are having a normal day with your family and all of a sudden the police come to your house and ask you to come with them. In the late 1930s, Hitler came to power and began going after the Jews in Europe. He would have soldiers go to their houses and take them to concentration camps. Hitler created a race that he thought was a superior race called Aryans. They had to have blonde hair, blue eyes, and be tall.
Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis reduced the Jews to little more than “things” which were a nuisance to them. Dehumanization occurred in Night where everything started to change. They gradually began to change their appearance such as shaving their hair. Jews had no choice but let himself “...be dragged along the barbers. Their clippers tore out our hair, shaved every hair on our bodies” (35).
During the holocaust, the germans saw the jews as a “tainted race”, and saw them inferior to themselves. They also sought to kill off the jewish bloodline completely.
One of Hitler’s many ambitions for Germany was to achieve total Aryan supremacy. Hitler wanted to make all Germans perfect physical specimens. All of them tall and strong with blue eyes and blond hair though he himself was short, with brown eyes and hair. Hitler claimed that the Germans were the purest Aryans and therefore superior to all other peoples. Hitler made sure that all Germans knew this, he told the German people what they wanted to hear, that they were in fact the master race and that they were superior to any other persons. Although many were opposed to Hitler’s idea of Aryan supremacy the German people supported him enthusiastically regardless.
Imagine being haunted with the cruel remarks about something you could never change about yourself. You don’t necessarily like that feeling, or the people who say that, right? The Aryan Nations were people who could make you feel this way; they primarily and harmfully attacked blacks and Jews, followed Hitler, made church leagues, and often committed crimes.
In the U.S., the term “race” has different connotation compared to other countries like Brazil. As the book Culture defines it- in Chapter 11: Ethnicity and Race- a race is nothing more than a biologically related ethnic group. Often, the tendency of North American society to rely on hypodescent, leads to stress and lack of self-identity. As a matter of fact, the book describes hypodescent as the arbitrary classification of interracial children as a member of the least privileged ethnic group to which either of their parents corresponds. Besides, in today’s world U.S. population has become increasing diversified. Diversity has led to racial tension between different groups. Latinos is one general term given to people who speak a Latin-derived language (this includes South American
Ethnic Notions : the 1987 film documentary by Marlon Riggs describes about the growth of African American cultural depictions through various caricatures and stereotypes which were used against African Americans.
To begin, there were many political laws implemented against Jews. In the earlier years of World War II, the Nazis declared their goal to segregate Jews from the “Aryan” society.
Caramel, mocha, chocolate, dark chocolate, butterscotch, brownie, honey. Terms of endearment for the Black race can sound so inviting and sensually stimulating; why then, was I not welcomed with a loving embrace into my own community? An understated problem within the Black community today is that of internalized racism. Should a Black person stray from the status quo and main stream perception of American citizens from African descent as having violent-tendencies and being intemperate, then we are marginalized, and what is worse, we marginalize one another. I have first-hand experience with such marginalization from my peers. I have spent the preponderance of my academic career in a predominantly white community, which has greatly swayed my
Black Nationalism was a more radical solution to the civil rights issues plaguing the United States in the 50’s and 60’s. Malcom X was a Muslim minister that was one of the key leaders in the Black Nationalist movement. He believed the African Americans should develop their own society and ethical values, and separate completely from white Americans. He stressed that African Americans should be running their own communities, which involved owning their own stores and local governments. He believed that white Americans dominated local economies by owing the stores and running city governments. Martin Luther King Jr. would avoid violence at all cost, but Malcolm X said “be violent when the enemy is violent.” In my opinion this view of violence
position in your job. This is required in most jobs you it's best to allays let employees no
“The History, Development and Future of Ethnic Studies” by Evelyn Hu-DeHart mentions several issues young scholars faced during the time of need for multicultural curriculum in higher education. Young scholars were demanding to uncover the missing facts and accredited sources that American history, culture, and society have left out for centuries. The solution the students concluded in solving this dilemma was to bring attention to the need of ethnic studies programs. With enough support from the student body and willingness of universities, institutions were able to recruit professors and thus create ethnic studies programs. According to Hu-DeHart, by providing ethnic studies programs and departments, the academic field would provide, “…a
American society likes to believe that race relations in our country are no longer strained. We do not want to hear about the need for affirmative action or about the growing numbers of white supremacist groups. In order to appease our collective conscious, we put aside the disturbing fact that racism is alive and well in the great U.S.A. It hides in the workplace, it subtly shows its ugly face in the media, and it affects the education of minority students nationwide. In the following excerpts from an interview with a middle class African American male, the reader will find strong evidence that race plays a major role in determining the type and quality of education a student receives.
People are usually categorized in terms of race and/or ethnicity. Race is a term typically used to classify people according to similar and specific physical characteristics. Ethnicity is a term more broadly used that connects people according to an inherited status such as: a shared ancestry, language, history, religion, cuisine, art, clothing style, and/or physical appearance, etc.
Race and ethnicity are the occasionally have been used interchangeably. Race is described as a person’s physical appearance such as skin color, eye color, hair and many other biological traits and characteristics. Race mainly refers to the differences in skin color in the contemporary world. When we say that person is fair skinned or is black we are referring to the race of that person. Ethnicity is the cultural aspect of a an individual or a group such as the nationality of the person, the language they use to communicate, their descendants , the particular region they inhabit for example American, African, African Americans, etc. In a nutshell race is an overview of how you look and ethnicity is the social and cultural aspect of grouping you are born into.