As a child, I was fascinated by the EA Sports FIFA games; playing against the "CPU", trying different combinations of teams, formations and tactics to outsmart it at every difficulty level. The urge to do so wouldn 't go until I had mastered that particular level. At the same time, I always wondered how this one single change in the game-settings made the afore-mentioned CPU come with all guns blazing at me or this press of a button made my player move or shoot the ball? This inquisitiveness ultimately became the driving force that made me want to pursue an undergraduate degree in Computer Science.
Having secured a rank in the top
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I witnessed the entire software development cycle in action, right from the requirement analysis until the delivery of the product. This experience made me realize how putting the concepts that I had learnt in class into actual practice, reinforced my understanding of the same. Accordingly, I started taking up a few projects to fortify my hold on the subjects I wanted to explore.
I saw an opportunity within my college where I could help get things done by reducing man-power and that’s when I came up with a web-based application for our placement department. Post this, the next project I ventured into was actually a result of the idea that had struck me, back when I was at IDDS: to create an electronic noticeboard for my college. With the help of my professor, I developed a wireless model of the same that was able to display the message on the noticeboard, sent via a registered mobile number.
Successful completion and application of these two tools made me wonder if technology can be used to solve trivial problems, why can 't we leverage this power to tackle much bigger problems. Thus, for my next project I took up a real world issue. As an avid reader of The Hindu (an Indian daily newspaper), I have come across countless cases
Completed recommended reading assignments, learned the basic java code writing, used Net beans, and write my first java program Hello World application. In addition, flowed by watching unit 1 optional video lectures, and had much great idea and took the resources
There are many documents from politicians or philosophers, and the perspective of the basic user of this technology would help enhance this selection of documents. Huan
In Year 8, a radiotherapist came into my school with a request - to help him develop a game to explain the process of radiotherapy to his patients. I decided to help out of curiosity, thinking that it would be interesting and that I'd learn something new. It was during the development process that I learnt my first lines of Python - which I now use extensively for my programs. That experience fueled my fascination with technology and its impact on the world around me, watching how the application of computing in other fields has bettered the lives of others.
Technology has made great advances on a global scale, especially within the last half century. Works of fiction and informational texts have addressed the numerous uses of modern innovation. These technological advances have the potential to make one’s personal life better, but could be detrimental to the world as a whole.
Since i started my capstone project i have took in so much stuff and i am actually comfortable with it. I found a lot in myself that i didn’t know was in me. As i sat at the nursing home days at a time i found patience in myself because i hate moving at other people’s paste but i did it because i needed to know how everything was suppose to be done. The information i took in actually taught me more than i already knew. The information really didn’t take an affect on my plans for the future because it actually pushed me to go harder than i am now in the future.
The Pre-class assignments enabled us to read and learn about the latest development in the field of software engineering. We learned about the mistakes made in the
during this project I learned a lot. I learned how to balance out supplies and and cost. How the world of business kind of works by balancing out quality and quantity. I learned the real difference between wants and needs. Like how if we all had what we wanted whenever we wanted it there would be mass chaos.
Currently, I am starting a research project with Dr. Larry Jamner at University of California, Irvine where we are focusing on the use of ecological momentary assessment and its possible implications with technology to help psychiatric interventions. My professor and I are currently trying to create an app and program it to remind people to take their medication when they are near a certain location. This project was challenging but fun because I get to learn about programming such as Java and C++ by myself. In addition, I am learning on how to run statistical packages, STATA and
Fifa use Ethos and logos by using professional soccer players to develop the way they think, move and physically interact with their opponents. Active intelligence system increases the activity of the players without the ball, and changes the way players, move read and
Throughout the everyday lives of people all around the globe, they are constantly bombarded with the use of technology in its many shapes and forms.
my IT classes where I was able to do my own research and apply the theory
The daily coursework required a deeper level of dedication to avoid becoming overwhelming, but I knew my motivators were enough to push me through to graduation One major factor was the ambition I uncovered while shadowing an Information Technology position at my current job. I awakened a passion that I never knew existed, and
My experiences while studying at GSMST and while interning at CISCO also played large roles in influencing my decision to intern in this field. The AP Computer Science course at GSMST piqued my interest in the field and provided the foundation I needed to be successful at CISCO for my Junior Fellowship Experience. While taking the course, I was able to learn the basics of Java programming and to put it to good use to create a program. Despite only being taught Java as a programming language, many of the concepts I learned were consistent across several different languages and I found the course to be beneficial overall. The internship experience I had the pleasure of receiving at CISCO seemed to me to be the most realistic portrayal of how working in this field would pan out in the real world. My mentor, Simon Ravenhill, worked closely with me to complete a project by the end of the experience and to help me adjust to a corporate environment. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the CISCO staff and this was another major step in the path to choosing to pursue an experience in software
In the course, there was a focus on introducing many different genres and projects to work on. Examples include a community profile, a patient letter, a research paper, a health document and memos. Furthermore, there was opportunity for peer review and collaboration with almost every assignment. Being able to work on a variety of works and also have experience working with others simulated what it might be like as a future health professional. I learned how to adjust what kind of work and writing I needed to do with each project, along with being able to give and receive criticism. This helped me understand what improvements I needed to make with each passing
So if we had any corrections regarding the marks we could ask for updation concurrently.So I started building my first project,an android app for internal marks. This project gave broad understanding on the different methodologies used and how to deliver a project successfully.It also helped me understand the value of time management, the value of the software I was developing and showcasing the same to other team mates and influencing them to do project which solves different problems and remove obstacles of our daily activities. This also motivated me to study hard with a purpose and eventually secure 9th rank in Cochin University for information Systems.