
Asd Research Paper

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Each year, more than 200,000 people are diagnosed with the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the U.S. ASD or Autism can be characterized as a brain development disorder that directly affects the nervous system. As noted on, ASD can be deemed as an intellectual disability. Symptoms of Autism can include difficulty with communication, difficulty in social interactions, obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviors. The severity of these symptoms vary with all ASD patients. Some patients with ASD thrive in non-interactive subjects such as math, art, and music.
Although it is a fairly common and a treatable disorder, Autism cannot be cured. The majority of people with Autism develop it in the earliest stages of life, including birth and even life in the womb. Like there are many fields of ASD, there are many causes of it. Autism is formed when there is a combination of factors that stop or interject with proper brain development. Most causes can be categorized into two groups: genetic and environmental. Some causes may include the parents age during conception, …show more content…

Additionally, Autistic children cannot be fully diagnosed until the age of 2. Pediatricians and parents aware of ASD will look for signs of regression. Regression is the strongest sign of ASD with children between 12 - 24 months of age. Children who have learned words such as “Mommy” or “Yes,” will slowly begin to lose their sense of language. An Autistic child also regressing will stop playing social games such as patty-cake or peek-a-boo. If Autism is caught during infancy, treatment can almost rewire the brain and reverse most of the damage done since a baby's mind is still in the molding stage. ASD is best to treat under 18 months of age, but the symptoms such as a lack of eye contact are often difficult to

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