
Asian Stereotypes In Lady And The Tramp

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Not your Stereotypical Asian Everyone has a stereotype, whether its your race, gender, religion, etc. According to stereotypes, reinforced by T.V, media, and Hollywood films Asian Americans are martial art experts with slanted eyes like Jackie Chan or the Karate Kid, immigrants with poor grammar and pronunciation, and piano or cello playing math geniuses. Asian stereotypes so common that they often go unnoticed. Asian stereotypes are everywhere in film and in real life. An example in a movie is Lady and the Tramp. In the film, there are two Siamese cats named Si and Am they are animated to be Asian. They have overly slanted eyes, thick Asian accents, and they are sneaky and influential. Si and Am are the malicious villains in the movie. Asians are stereotyped to have thick accents and bad grammar, since people see them as immigrants. An example …show more content…

A stereotypical Asian women are seen as submissive or a dragon lady, who uses their looks to gain power or money from men. Asian woman are seen as desirable to white men, so much so that there is a tem called “yellow-fever” that refers to this. Asian men are stereotypically seen as unattractive. Asian women are seen as attractive since they are associated with geishas, who were traditional Japanese woman whose job was to entertain men with singing and dancing, but after 21 they are considered too old and many of them turned to prostitution. Overall that is the origin of why Asian women are perceived as a dragon ladies and submissive women. Asian men on the other hand according to stereotypes are seen as unattractive because the aren’t masculine and seen as close minded. Since they are typically seen as the nerdy, awkward tech guy, they aren’t perceived as very manly. Asian men aren’t usually seen as risk takers or very romantic. Even said, “Asian men are typically seen as jugdemental, narrow minded, and passive

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