
Aside From The Approach Taken By Elaine Tyler

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Aside from the approach taken by Elaine Tyler May and Jessica Weiss, Alan Petigny argues in his book The Permissive Society: America, 1941-1965 against the traditional narrative of the 1950s being the years of conservative values, religious resurgence, and family orientation. Instead, Peking argues that American social norms remained conservative during the 1950s, however, personal values and behavior underwent a significant process of liberalization between 1941 and 1965. This is a similar view shared by Jessica Weiss. In making the case for the “dramatic liberation of values during the Truman and Eisenhower years,” Peking points to the “emergence of the Permissive Turn.” Essentially, this position argues that “during the latter half of the 1940s, and continuing throughout the 1950s, the popular ingestion of modern psychology, coupled with significant changes in child-rearing and religious practices, constituted an unprecedented challenge to traditional moral constraints.” This shift, Petigny argues, it was not sudden and that it was instead an acceleration of tendencies initiated earlier: “Well before the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925, the rise of science in general, and Darwinism in particular, posed a serious challenge to the intellectual and cultural dominance of traditional protestant belief.” In addition to this factor undermining conservative Protestantism, Petigny claims, that “the rise of the Social Gospel movement that had considerable influence before the

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