
Aspects Of Human Communication And Personal Communication : Personal Relationships

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For the next two questions, I asked Darryl and Dallas to reflect on the others manliness and then their personal development in relation to each other. I began the second interview question asking if the guys could “constitute a time when your son/dad did something you viewed as manly”. Both father and son answered this question by using examples of “manly activities” that they witnessed the other completing, expressing how it made the other seem more responsible or strong. Darryl said he is watching Dallas become more of a man as he now takes out the trash or does other household duties with initiative or without being prodded. Dallas reflected on watching his dad mow grass in the summer, shovel snow in the winter, and exercise in his spare time. He explained how watching Darryl engage in these activities constituted them as manly in his mind because his dad was “using his body and growing stronger which is what men do” (Dallas Todd, personal communication, 2017 October 10). I followed up by asking Darryl and Dallas how the other has played a role in their personal development in becoming a better man. Contrarily, they did not refer to activities when answering this question, instead they focused on emotional strength. Darryl spoke about how Dallas has built is level of patience and how he still has high expectations of people, but his son has helped him communicate in a way that is more forgiving when those expectations are not met. When I asked Dallas the same question,

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