1. Aims & Objectives The purpose of the project is to investigate the social impairments inherent in ASDs and the relevance of these in offences of sexual nature. Case studies have previously reported that an association between sexual offending and specific Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) features such as naiveté, sexual frustration, difficulty in developing appropriate, consenting sexual relationships as a result of impaired social cognition, circumscribed interests, and impaired ability to appropriately interpret the victim’s negative reactions contributed to the sexual offending (Ian Freckelton & List, 2009; Higgs & Carter, 2015). Therefore, the present research will aim to empirically investigate in a larger scale whether any of these ASD features results in increased risk of sexual offending and sexual inappropriate behaviour in individuals with ASD. In the first instance, it will evaluate current and past body of research which has looked at sexual offending in individuals with ASD, in order to understand whether studies have found innate vulnerabilities which potentially may increase the risk of an individual with ASD finding themselves involved with the criminal justice system as a result of being charged with …show more content…
Thus suggesting an association between Asperger syndrome and criminality. This notion has been highly simultaneously supported and criticised throughout literature (Bjorkly, 2009). The present project aims to understand if individuals with Asperger Syndrome are more prone to commit crimes of sexual nature and demonstrate inappropriate sexual behaviour in comparison to individuals with diagnoses from other categories or sub-types of ASD (e.g. childhood autism (CA), atypical autism (AT)). When doing so, it will examine the possible AS specific and AS inferred elements that appear to have influenced
Approximately 947,570 Americans have Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), however, it is not an easy disorder to explain (Bashe 19). With multiple conditions and characteristics in each case, AS is not an easy disorder to diagnose. Asperger’s Syndrome was named after Hans Asperger, an Austrian physician, who first described the disorder in 1944 after studying a group of children with similar, unusual characteristics. However, AS was not made an official disease until 1994. Consequently, Asperger disease is just now becoming published and popular so there is still research and questions being answered. Asperger’s Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder, is noted by above-average
Asperger’s syndrome, which is also referred to as Asperger's disorder, is a type of Persuasive Developmental Disorder. Persuasive Developmental Disorder or PDD are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of basic skills, the most recognizable of these skills is the ability to communicate and socialize with others as well as use their own imagination. Although Asperger's syndrome is similar in some ways to autism, there are important differences between the two. Children with Asperger's syndrome typically function higher than those children with autism. In addition to them being higher functioning; children with Asperger's syndrome generally have normal intelligence and slightly less than normal language development.
Aspergers syndrome is a type of pervasive development disorder or PDD. PDD’s are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills such as; the ability to socialize with others, to communicate and using their imagination( Aspergers). It was discovered by Hans Asperger who was a viennese physician who recognizes this disorder in the 1940’s. It became universally recognized as a developmental disorder in the United States( Quinn 32-33).
This work is built around a topic that is sum interest to me due to the incidence of cases within the different social fields. It 's a syndrome whose classification is relatively new and as such requires a comprehensive approach for a better management of the condition. Asperger 's disorder owes its name to Hans Asperger who was the first to discover a group of children with traits very particular, mainly characterized by the absence of empathy, reduced ability to social relations, solitary conversations, a deep attachment to a special interest, and clumsy movements. However the person who presents it has no alterations in the appearance, in its capacity of intelligence and often displays skills in restricted areas. This disorder
Other previous research raises awareness about ASD and Asperger's Syndrome to eliminate the confusion about how these disorders are insignificant. In research about ASD and Asperger's syndrome, it introduces how we can cope with people who have these syndromes. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), their mission is "to pursue important knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce a load of neurological disease” ( "Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet."). The NINDS is a part of the National Institute of Health (NIH); the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. These two organizations along with some others support research on autism spectrum disorder.
The relationship between Asperger syndrome and autism has been a controversial topic in psychology. There is not a definite correlation which has been decided upon between the two and chiefly due to the fact that they are both overly similar. Concisely, psychologists seek to identify the main difference between them. In a simpler way, it is not yet clear whether autism and Asperger syndrome should be defined as independent (distinct) terms, or whether Asperger syndrome should be categorized under the wider realm of autism. In their researche, multiple scholars have come upon differing opinions and theories in support of their own perceptions of the two disorders which either agree or disagree at some point. Asperger syndrome is derived from Hans Asperger who is highly recognized for his efforts in defining the disease which many scholars had described as not diagnosable (Mayes, Calhoun & Crites, 2001).
Countless amounts of studies have been made regarding the psychological well-being of a subject and their immediate surroundings. These studies have been made by investigating the background of an affected victim, or they have been conducted with the parents permission over a course of time. Although many psychological disorders, such as personality disorders and serial killer personas are created from their environment, not all of these disorders evolve into a serial killer mindset (Rebecca Taylor). In fact, symptoms are often very similar and are quite hard to distinguish from certain malicious personas. This symptom that is found within all mentally deficient individuals is known as ASPD. ASPD is also commonly known as the anti-social disorder,
Asperger’s syndrome is becoming more and more common as time goes by. Each year, more children are being diagnosed. This paper focuses on Asperger’s Syndrome and developing social skills in various social settings. By looking at the etiology, diagnostic procedures, how the condition effects development, daily challenges, current social/cultural views, and relevant social interventions, a better understanding on how to develop social skills for children with Asperger’s Syndrome can ensue. The world revolves around social situations. This is how people are hired for jobs, ask for things, make new friends, meet their future spouse, etc. At the moment, social skills training and social support is minimal compared to where it potentially
If a subject with ASD does enter the criminal justice system it is typically as a juvenile. This is often because of acts based on peer pressure or subject getting in trouble with the school system. Subjects with ASD are easily suspect to peer pressure and are sometimes pressured in to committing criminal acts to gain approval. This would actually make them more so the victim than the suspect of any criminal activity as any crime must have the element of intent. In fact the victim role is where the majority of subjects with ASD find themselves in regards to the criminal justice system.
Some criminal cases in the media involving offenders with ASD raised concerns about a possible link between serious crime and ASD. However, the authors of the earliest known review of the link between Asperger’s syndrome and violent crime concluded that no such relationship exists.
Amazingly, one percent of new births will have some type of autism (Autism Society of America, 2010). Asperger’s disorder is one type of Autism, and is at the high end of these disorders. This “disorder, which is also called Asperger's syndrome (AS) or autistic psychopathy, belongs to a group of childhood disorders known as pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) or autistic spectrum disorders”(Exkorn, 2006). A characteristic of this disorder is harsh and strict disruption of a certain type of brain development. The most affected areas of Asperger's disorder is difficulty in social understanding and in behavior or activities that are limited or recurring (Frey, 2003). Students with Asperser’s have different levels of seriousness,
Asperger syndrome was originally described by Hans Asperger, who was Australian pediatrician and medical professor. Hans is best known for his studies on mental disorders. Asperger is a developmental disorder that come with many difficulties such as social interaction and usual patterns of interest and behaviors. Autism are recognized the most when comes to pervasive developmental disorder, it's caused by specific brain activity(Frith, 1990) Genetic fault, brain insult and brain disease, are the general causes of autism. Brain symptoms vary with age and ability. Asperger's syndrome is a mild form of autism (Frith, 1990)
This disorder or syndrome is somewhat similar to the one before. Asperger Syndrome is a relatively new condition to be added to the range of autism disorders (Searle). In both cases, individuals with Autism and Asperger find it hard to communicate with others. People with Asperger Syndrome are not only introvert, but also reserved .Unlike people with ADHD; most of them do not necessarily need to be alone what happens is that when they are not alone is that same social interaction which brings difficulties. Asperger affects the way they socialize and they are not aware that socialization teaches us attitudes and values that can be applied in any situation. They are very intelligent and capable of retaining information in certain topics; topics
I am highly interested in Asperger Syndrome because a person very close to me was diagnosed with this condition. I know of several people who have it, as well. On social media a few years back, a transgender man with Asperger's had a meltdown and was comforted by a dog. Recently that man was shot and killed by a police officer after the poor man got out of control. I would like to know more about how this disease affects people.
During the stages of early childhood development, children as going through the most rapid growth of change. Antisocial behavior typically forms before 8 years. Nearly 80% of people with ASPD develop their first symptoms by the of the age of 11 years old (Black, 2015). From a clinical aspect ASPD show the continuity between childhood and adult behavioral problems, also it shows how it moderate with advancing age. The research was conducted, that analyzed childhood antisocial behavior in males. It shows that Black (2015)found that males behavior strongly linked to adult criminal and deviant behavior that lead to other downsides in that affect their future education achievements, economic status, employment, and family life in adulthood. People