Although the current knowledge regarding the nature of Asperger syndrome and its interventions are still limited. There is an upsurge of research on the disorder that in prompted many to write books and do deeper research. Projects are underway to better improve assessment and diagnosis the condition of Asperser syndrome. As stated in so many articles awareness of Asperger syndrome is growing and so is the general interest regarding availability of service, appropriate educational placement and vocational training.
Individuals with AS can exhibit a variety of characteristics and the disorder can range form mild to severe. Persons with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. In addition, they often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. Individuals with AS have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal cues, such as body language, and also have difficulty determining proper body space. People with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sound
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How and when change will occur? Will the plan have an emergency or back up plan in the case of a crisis? A measure of how successful the plan will be. Has the intervention plan been used before? What will be the success rate of it? Was there a plan in place already and will this plan replace the old one. Description of the plan that will replace the old intervention plan if any. Need to know what the plan will consist of, who will it involved, parents, teachers, counselors any specific instructions or directions that need to be followed. Will there be data collected and measured. How will the data be displayed? How will the information collected be viewed and by who? Need a list of the student’s weaknesses and strengthens. Will behavior change? This can be an example of an intervention
Thesis Statement: Despite the common misconception that Aspergers is a disability, Christopher Boon demonstrates that the syndrome provides him with distinct advantages.
Another social and communication disorder is Asperger syndrome, this is characterised by the following; the individual may have difficulties in social interactions, a restricted range of interests, repetitive behaviours and also they may have a delay in motor development. This may be shown in the individual 's clumsiness or uncoordinated movements, however, those with Asperger 's syndrome don’t have significant delays in both language and cognitive development. There are a number of different symptoms of Asperger 's yet it is unlikely that they would all be present in one person. Each
Besides the poor communication skills and resulting in awkward social behavior of Asperger’s Syndrome, there are also the physical aspects. People with Asperger’s Syndrome have a heightened sensitivity to loud noises, lights, or even certain colors. For example, they may not be able to wear certain kinds of materials because the fabric will irritate the skin. Often, they have strong taste buds and are sensitive to different textures. Additionally, they may have a rigid walk or an odd posture. Likewise, motor coordination is usually lacking making simple tasks such as handwriting, opening a jar, or catching a ball a struggle. The lack of motor skills makes it difficult to play team
Problems with social skills include difficulty interacting with others, are often awkward in social situations, and have difficulty starting and maintaining a conversation. Individuals with Asperger’s syndrome may develop odd, repetitive movements, such as hand twitching or finger twisting. They might also develop unusual rituals, such as getting dressed in a specific order, and are resistant to change the ritual. Some communication difficulties people with Asperger's syndrome may exhibit are, not being able to make eye contact when speaking with someone, trouble using facial expressions and gestures, and understanding body language. They also have a tendency to misunderstand language in context and are very literal in their use of language. Individuals could express limited range of interests; they could develop an almost obsessive interest in a few areas, such as weather, topics in school, or sports. Many individuals with Asperger's syndrome are exceedingly gifted or skilled in a particular area, such as history or science. The coordination of individuals with Asperger's syndrome may seem clumsy or awkward.
1. This book allows one to look into the mind of an eleven year old girl suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome. It gives you examples concerning how she thinks and acts based on her surroundings and emotions.
planned intervention, the type of study you will conduct and how you plan to evaluate the
Autism is a brain disorder that is characterized by slow and difficult comprehension of spoken and non-verbal communication and repetition of behaviors. Autism is normally noticed in the first two years of a child (Myers & Johnson, 2007). Asperger syndrome is an autistic disorder that has almost the same similarities with autism. People with Asperger syndrome have little comprehension of the world and its surroundings and poor communication with other people. People with Asperger syndrome are hard to recognize, as they do not show on their outward appearances. They are average or above average intellectually and have fewer problems in terms of speech and specific learning disabilities unlike in autism. These difficulties include dyslexia, epilepsy, and attention
Hans Asperger, a pediatrician from Austria, began to study a group of children at his clinic in 1944. He noticed that the young boys he was studying were clumsy, lacked social skills, and did not understand nonverbal communication. Asperger’s syndrome (AS), named after Doctor Hans Asperger, is a developmental disorder. Research by Woodbury-Smith and Volkmar (2009), claim that AS was originally thought of as a less severe form of Autism, in which the individual has higher linguistic ability but still lacks social skills. Many researches now consider AS an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, it is disputed amongst researchers as to whether it is explicit from High Functioning Autism (HFA). Many characteristics of AS and HFA are
The first resource (Appendix A) is an information page entitled ‘What is Asperger Syndrome’ and particularly focusses on the medical/deficit model of disability, a model which involves identifying symptoms, diagnosing a disease or a deficit and prescribing appropriate treatment (E214, Unit 2, p. 47). This resource is aimed at people who have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, for parents whose
Asperger’s syndrome is becoming more and more common as time goes by. Each year, more children are being diagnosed. This paper focuses on Asperger’s Syndrome and developing social skills in various social settings. By looking at the etiology, diagnostic procedures, how the condition effects development, daily challenges, current social/cultural views, and relevant social interventions, a better understanding on how to develop social skills for children with Asperger’s Syndrome can ensue. The world revolves around social situations. This is how people are hired for jobs, ask for things, make new friends, meet their future spouse, etc. At the moment, social skills training and social support is minimal compared to where it potentially
Many children today unknowingly face the disorder known as Aspergers. Their traits can affect their social, mental, and behavioral aspects of life. Because of this, peers might classify them as weird simply because they do not act the same way, causing a decline in self confidence. Diagnosis can tremendously help to jumpstart treatment in this area. Despite lack of knowledge about Aspergers, a disorder closely related to autism, it is very much its own; not only in the way it is diagnosed, but also in its characteristics.
Asperger’s disorder is a disorder that is on the higher functioning end of the autism spectrum. This disorder effects an individual’s social and communication skills, and they will often have autistic like behaviors, with a normal intelligence range, and normal language development.
Asperger’s disorder (AD) is a disruption in the formation of the child’s physical and or psychological development and recognizing these, the disorder was separated from Autism in 1944, to provide a basis for each child to get the proper care. All children with Asperger Disorder will show some traits in these three categories; impaired social skills, trouble communicating with others and a pattern of behavior, interest, and activities’ will be limited and recurring; they become obsessed with a single theme. Usually the child will have the normal communication skills in the beginning years. They will be using single words by age one. They just will not be using them in the normal way. When doctors are testing for this disorder, they are looking for specific behaviors or skills that are either present or absent. If the right services are available, Asperser’s children will show significant improvement in language
Asperger Syndrome is an unfortunate condition to acquire. Asperger’s is considered to be a pervasive developmental disorder. Pervasive developmental disorders are most commonly involved with slower than average learning of everyday skills. Individuals with Asperger Syndrome will experience many difficulties. These individuals express little and bizarre social interaction. Next, their speech is monotone and short. Unfortunately, people with Asperger Syndrome will also experience difficulty with nonverbal communication. Examples of nonverbal communication are facial expressions, hand gestures, and waving. Overall, Asperger victims are socially awkward. These are all the struggles and symptoms that an Asperger victim will experience daily.
Asperger 's syndrome, or AS, is the mildest form of autism. AS is three times more likely to affect boys than girls. (Autism 2013). Children with AS generally find an object or topic and obsess over it, finding out everything they can about it and memorizing it. Often they 'll talk nonstop about this topic. Where AS is mild most children are able to communicate slightly but still have some trouble with eye contact and some speech. Aspergers is also called "high-functioning autism" because those with AS usually have normal to above average intelligence. Children with AS are at high risk for anxiety or depression as they enter adulthood.