
Assess the Balance of Planned and Emergent Approaches to Strategic Management in East Kodak

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As the time has brought people to the technology world, everything seems to change dramatically including many involved industries have to adopt more flexible strategies in their strategic management in order to achieve the competitive advantage. Some argue that the strategies should be deliberately planned and executed, so the organization will have a direction and therefore act rationally (De Wit and Meyer, 2004). However, some argue that new strategies largely emerge over time, as managers proactively piece together a viable course of action or reactively adapt to unfolding circumstances. Making strategy involves sense-making, reflecting, …show more content…

As can be noticed, Kodak has set the planned strategy to transform a photographic company into a world leader in digital imaging and as a new CEO, Antonio Perez, has been successful to show his great efforts to achieve the company’s goal. Apparently with its 75,000 retail photo kiosks and the leading online digital photography service (Easyshare Gallery), Kodak led the retail market for printing digital photographs which could be reflected by Perez’s ambition and positive point of views.
Evidently there were two significant sorts, making part in commercial printing which consolidating global leadership in high-resolution, color printing systems and for healthcare which leading in digital dental imaging and growing its market share in digital X-rays. However, the financial results continuingly shrank over the changes of pace as Kodak was expanding its tradition film business. Over the time of Kodak was increasingly developed their software and hardware, there were still some barriers which made Kodak had to adopt the emergent strategy to transform the business into the world technology. The most realized obstruction was its intense competition and more importantly what Kodak has failed to fill the gap was compressing the product cycles and declining product prices as it should be solved right after the

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