
Assess the Claim That Social Class Differences in Educational Achievement Are Primarily the Result of School Factors

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maxine hingston Assess the claim that social class differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of school factors

Social class background has a powerful influence on a child’s chances of success in the education system. Children from middle-class families on average perform better than children from working-class families and the gap between middle and working class educational achievement gets bigger as children get older. Internal factors, also known as school factors, these are factors inside the education system, such as a students subcultures, teacher labeling and language codes also affect a child’s achievement in education.
The 1944 Act tried to create education for all – secondary schools were made free for …show more content…

Labeling theory is also to deterministic; it says that once you’re negatively labeled that’s it, you’ll fail – this isn’t always the case. Some sociologist may argue that even though working class students are often labeled and streamed into low achieving section, they are far from discouraging students, it often makes students more likely to want to work hard to prove their teachers wrong. This was proved in research in which black young girls were streamed into lower ability classes, and were then determined to do better than they would have if they were labeled as high achievers.

Negative labelling and putting students into different streams or bands can cause some pupils to rebel against school values. As a response to negative labelling and frustration with low status, pupils may form antmaxine hingstoni-school subcultures – or vice versa and create a pro-school subculture.
Hargreaves said there were two distinctive subcultures emerged within the school; conformist and non-conformist delinquents. Hargreaves found that those in bottom setting and streaming groups were more maxine hingstonlikely to be non-conformist. Woods responded by saying that there are lots of different reactions to school, but non – conformist reactions were more likely to come from working class student.
The Swann Report found that socio-economic factors affected the lower levels of achievement

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