1. Key issues facing law enforcement in identifying and interviewing someone in this particular special population segment of our community. The effective transition to policing depends upon the ability and readiness of police managers and officers to create an organizational climate that supports continual learning, self-critique, and most importantly, change. The existence of internal issues such as opposition to change, power struggles, and informal communications are can either hinder or facilitate the successful adoption of community policing The existence of immigrants in the country has posed serious issues regarding the communication barrier leading to poor relay of information. Problems faced by battered immigrant as they lack trust on the Legal system …show more content…
Body language and non-verbal clues; General knowledge and awareness of body language and non-verbal behavior may assist an interviewer in identifying possible clues as to areas and subjects that the interviewee is uncomfortable talking about. 3. design a training course to better prepare officers in the field to engage with these individuals in a positive and professional manner Coordination; coordination is very important during all the phases of the training process. Coordination begins at the time training is proposed and continues even after it is delivered and participants leave. Needs Assessment; the following four central questions must be answered before you begin designing a training course. • Audience: Who is the target audience for a proposed training? • Current roles: What do members of this target audience presently do in their roles? • Knowledge gaps: What gaps exist between what these providers know how to do, and what they need to know to carry out their roles
Every day, law enforcement officers encounter danger while carrying out their duties. The foremost duty of law enforcement officers are to serve and protect citizens. Most law enforcement agencies do this successfully. However, many people view law enforcement officers as the enemy. People need to be better informed about law enforcement and why officers take specific actions in certain circumstances. In our society, police are in a very dangerous position when it comes to the amount of force they can use when dealing with an individual. Officers use discretion when deciding the best course of action for the situation, whether it be physical force, persuasion, or coercion. They must take the correct course of action, because if they are too lenient or to forceful, even when dealing with petty things, they can be reprimanded by superiors and the public. Should police use force? Which circumstances warrant use force and what are the limits of force they can use? These questions are often asked when police are compelled to use force.
The training of First-line supervisors is vital for the future and stability of police organizations. Training aims to help them realize
The Department of Public Safety is embarking on a pilot training initiative to train, instruct, and unify all members of the department. This initiative begins with top leadership and continues down through all levels of management and staff. This management directed approach incorporates all aspects and activity of the department and by using organizational behavior principles, DPS will shape and mold the thought and decision-making process of every person therein. Designed around the needs of the law enforcement environment, the training will include both civilian and
List 5 significant challenges to the MA DOC then explain how each got to be a challenge.
There are cases in which police officers are found dealing drugs such as bhang or methamphetamines or officers end up shooting mentally ill people they have been called to help restrain. In the latter, case proper training on how to
I would review the existing training curriculum and see what works and what needs improvement.
These issues represent a minor illustration of perceived misgivings of community policing. The fact remains that there is no long-term study data available that indicating the community policing approach is superior. As such it would be wise to consider continual analysis of its effectiveness as an approach while not abandoning all other law enforcement strategies based on the preliminary beliefs suggesting the benefits of community policing. The best strategy would be to maintain an open mind and continue to build upon the increased community collaboration created through community policing efforts. At the same time, agencies should be prepared to situationally use alternative strategies to combat crime when it appears community policing may not be the optimal choice using data to demonstrate why other options may be better
Over the last several years, most police departments have been facing numerous financial challenges. The main reason is law enforcement agencies are expected to do more with less and the stagnant economy. The combination of these factors has been placing pressure on many departments to begin imposing budget cuts. Evidence of this can be seen with a survey that was conducted by the University of North Carolina. They found that 67% of police departments made some kind of budget cuts for 2011. The most severe reductions were occurring in large police departments such as Los Angeles, Atlanta and Detroit. (Delfem, 2011, pp. 199 - 205) This is illustrating one of the most pressing issues affecting a wide variety of police departments across the country. To fully understand what is happening requires: examining the situation, how they are able to interact with other agencies (i.e. state / federal) and recommending the way this relationship can be improved. Together, these elements will offer specific insights about how police departments can effectively address this problem.
There are many key issues that have to be considered by law enforcement agencies when building relationships with the communities they serve. First and for most they have to adequately and fairly address complaints made by members of the community. The police have to provide the same service to minority communities as they would provide a predominately white community. The effect of providing good service could mean that the community will slowly build their trust with police officers. In the long run this will reduce tensions and build trust between the two groups. By building trust the police know they can count on the community when it comes to crime prevention. Reducing the publics fear of crime translates to increased cooperation between
The success of implementing a program like this requires that both parties be well informed and well educated on the changes that will take place. One of the first steps is to market the concept of community policing both internally (within the department), as well as externally(within the community). Marketing community policing internally often involves collapsing the existing structures of authority that are in place as well as the specialization within the department. The case study mentioned that although the senior administrators in the department played a critical role in the reform, it was also necessary that line level officers be active participants in the process. After all, two important components of community policing are empowerment and ownership. Officers were given ownership of certain areas that were
Alcohol and other drug use are associated with a wide array of other public health problems. It is the leading preventable cause of birth defects in the United States, whereas fetal exposures to maternal illegal drug consumption are a serious and a growing concern. The use of injection to administer illegal drug has become a significant factor in the spread of Aids while alcohol use increases the likelihood of unsafe sexual practices, thus contributing to the spread of HIV/Aids. Much more, it has an enormous impact on the criminal justice system in the country-America. According to Keck, ‘‘a survey suggests that about 35% of those committing crimes are mostly under the influence of the concepts-(alcohol and drug use), (2003). Having said that,
In the United States so much is constantly changing within our society. Our perception has changed and continues to do so and as they do so does everything else. When how we think changes our society changes. When our society changes the way our society operates changes. This is true in any facet of our society in the United States and pertains to every aspect in which we operate. These issues are not limited to us as a society; they also extend into our criminal justice system and our court systems. In this paper we will take a look into issues that currently face our court systems. We will attempt to identify the current and future issues that face our courts and court administrators in our society today. In our analysis we will attempt to
Training and development are categorized into several classes. The sponsors of training and development are senior managers. The clients of training and development are business planners. Line managers are responsible for coaching, resources, and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the processes. The facilitators are Human Resource Management staff. And the providers are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations, which sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations of the others. The conflicts that are the best part of career consequences are those that take place between employees and their bosses. Tempting as it is, nobody ever enhanced their career by making the boss look stupid. Training an employee to get along well with authority and with people who entertain diverse points of view is one of the best guarantees of long-term success. Talent, knowledge, and skill alone won 't compensate for a sour relationship with a superior, peer, or customer. Typical roles in the field
Approaches of both community policing and traditional policing models differ in a variety of ways. The characteristics of the policing models are quite different from each other, and community based policing was considered laughable when suggested for the new approach in the early 1970s. Due to community policing’s new operating beliefs, new and unfamiliar expected officer behaviors, and that officers were being held legally responsible for their actions and inactions; the idea and implementation wasn’t widely accepted until 1980’s. Traditional policing was primarily dominated by rampant corruption and lawlessness that affected all levels of the police administration; therefore citizens had little trust if any, in the police officers of the time.
In today’s society it seems as if all the violence that is occurring is revolved around race. Negative law enforcement involvement has been one of the major controversial topics that our generation has been faced with. Race, violence and authority is a very well-known racial disparity that will take some time to be seen otherwise. After the incidents occur, what really shakes the nation is that there is no real accountability. No one wants to admit that an injustice occurred and a small altercation lead to a casualty. Leadership within the justice system often gets challenged with such scenario. Does one discipline and makes an example out of his law enforcement officer (LEO), or does one address the public so that there is no uproar on such final decision.