Jamika Jordan, August 26th, Assignment No.1 I feel as though this reading opened my eyes; I was not aware of the misinformation that was available through varies entities. Before reading this information, I would have easily googled nutrition information through the internet, and I would have trusted most of the information that would have come up. I would not have even questioned the authenticity of the information; I would have been like most people and believe what I have read. Now when I am looking for nutritional information, I will answer the five “W” questions before I so readily trust the information. The signs given on what to look for in misleading emails is very helpful. The phrase “forward this to everyone” at first did not seem to me like a hoax/false email. Now that I have this information, I will definitely look for suspicious emails that I do not …show more content…
When it comes to people’s health there should be no deadline when presenting the information. The data should be collected precisely and accurately before reaching the public, and this process can not happen if there is a rush to report. Another issue that I find disturbing, is the fact that only 30 percent of medical schools in the United States require a student to take a separate nutrition course. Since I plan to continue my education in medicine, I might find myself in a situation where the medical school I plan to attend will not require me to take a nutrition course. I can not understand why the class is not a requirement. Physicians work hands on with patients and will be the first person a patient contacts for information on nutrition/diets. Without proper knowledge of the information, it is not safe for physicians to be giving this information out to the public. I am relieved to know that I am currently taking a nutrition class as an undergraduate, so when I become a physician I will be somewhat knowledgeable about the
In my Diet Journal, I recorded all the food I ate over the weekend with the best accuracy I could attempt to do. But one of the factors that made my food diary inaccurate was that I couldn’t find every detail and percentage of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins in everything I ate. Also, all of the amounts and servings were approximations, not exact amounts. I was able to record everything I ate, but accuracy may have been affected by estimations and sources. The calorie intake I had over the three day period ranged from 1900-2500 calories. This was over my 1800 BMR, due to the food choices and fluctuation in diet.
Positing that most of our major health issues, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes, can be prevented (and even in some cases reversed) by following a vegetables-and-whole-grains diet, this dense documentary would rather inform than entertain. Its hale heroes are the nutritional scientist T. Colin Campbell and the surgeon Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., whose combined decades of research into the harmful effects of animal proteins are summarized, along with an extensive history of our worldwide dietary decline.
What nutrients are and how they affect our body, malnutrition, deficiency etc. The guidelines which determine nutritional health including dietary reference values (DRV), what a balanced diet is and how to maintain this, what BMI is and how to calculate it, the eat well plate, I will explain possible influences on dietary intake, assess how these influences may affect the nutritional health of individuals and I will also make realistic recommendations for minimising the impact of negative influences on individuals in a specific health and social care setting.
Now if you know me at all, you might question why I chose to read this book since I am not a nutrition major, but if you really
7. (10 points) What type of fiber do you think is included in this food?
Nutrition, I have learned plays a big part in our life. To be honest I was clueless about how much nutrition affected our everyday lives. I love going to the gym working out, now that I know what should go into my diet I think I will see a lot more improvement. I occasionally follow the latest diet fads because I believed it would be better for my health, but in turn it really hurt more than it helped! This Diet Analysis project has been extremely useful course because I can personally relate to it and can use much of the information learned to my daily routines. The Diet Analysis project was a real eye opener because it let me see what exactly I was putting into my diet.
I have learned a lot from this two-day diet analysis assignment. In my two day assessment, I recorded my food intake, quantities, drinks, snacks, condiments, where and who I was with during the meal, the time of day, and the amount of time I spent eating. I was able to analyze my diet to examine what I was eating and what types of nutrients I was getting. I then compared all aspects with my recommended levels of nutrients for my dietary recommended intake. I learned that my eating habits are not the best and could lead to serious health problems in the future that may be detrimental.
During the session, the staff notice that Billy was very weak. He seemed very tired. The staff asked him if he has been eating or if he had anything to eat over the weekend. Billy informed the staff that he did not had anything to eat over the weekend, but only water and sodas. Billy seemed to lose weight every week due to lack of nutrition Billy however, mentioned that he has can not taste food and he is having a hard time swallowing.
Nutrition has always been a big part of my life even prior to becoming a nurse. On a daily basis I am using nutrition in some way or another to teach my patients or learn something about myself. I usually follow the latest nutritional news because and I am a firm believer that diet is key in health and healing.NS325 has been a very useful and knowledgeable course because I can personally relate to it and can apply much of the information learned to my own life and career. The Diet Analysis project was wonderful because it gave me a first hand look at my own diet habits.
The Authors Thompson and Manore of the book Nutrition Myth or Fact, have made many successful points about the water we drink. The book Nutrition Myth or Fact by Thompson and Manore “(p.g. 184)” they have stated surfaces and ground water are both contaminated. What i mean is in the United States, we drink water that comes from one of these two sources, surfaces waters and/or ground water. What i am saying is no water is clean and safe. What i’m trying to say is everyone drink the water no matter where it comes from surface or ground. In other words the EPA monitors the water to make sure that it is a safe supply of water from ground and surfaces. To put in other words ground and surfaces water is both bottled water there are no evidence bottled
Also, the assessment did not evaluate actual performance in clinical practice. The questions were new and tailored specifically to the content incorporated into the existing didactic session, and may therefore require modification prior to further use. Each topic was evaluated with a single question to minimize the time required by students to complete the intervention, so more comprehensive evaluation measures could be considered. A further limitation is the potential for desirability bias. Some students may have inferred that positive answers on opinion questions were expected, and more honest responses may have been provided if testing was conducted in a different setting apart from the intervention itself. We sought to limit this bias by providing students with verbal and written information that participation was voluntary, anonymous, and had no impact on their course grade. Furthermore, post-testing occurred on the day of the educational intervention so long-term impact was not assessed. Despite these and other limitations, the present results show that nutrition information may be successfully integrated into the existing curriculum during a clinical medical school rotation in a primary care specialty. Future studies should assess generalizability and actual changes in practice, such as demonstrated competence providing nutrition counseling to patients in a
A dietitian’s job is to promote health and control diseases through nutritional education. A responsibility of a dietitian or nutritionist might be advising patients on nutritional
I had no idea that what I included in my diet was so important and provided a significant impact to my wellbeing. After doing the first part of this Analysis project, I was surprised to see the many areas that I can improve on. I created 3 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goals to help me improve on receiving the right amount and variety of nutrients in my diet. My goals are to drink 8 glasses of water a day, have fruits and vegetables every meal adding to a total of about 4-6 cups, and to have a different breakfast every day. For 30 days, I attempted to implement daily each of my 3 goals.
Course Description and Content: Incorporates principles of human nutrition, essential nutrients, nutritional needs of different age groups, and nutrition research. Focuses on the relationship between nutrition, physical fitness, lifestyle, and health, with supporting emphases on consumer awareness, evaluation of nutrition information, eating disorders, and the importance of a balanced, varied diet.
I conducted research on a chosen topic for me to gain my secondary data, I research article on my chosen topic, printed them off and highlighted them in my appendix. I got the articles from books and online websites. I then produced a literature review of my articles. I also had to gain primary information which I got from my observations on 30 children at placement and 30 questionnaires send out to the parents but in order for me to do this I had to send out permission letters but before I was ale to do this I had to created my questionnaire and provision letter. Once I had all my permission letters and questionnaires back (managed to get 20 back), I collated my data and the produced charts by using bar charts, pie charts and tally