Saunak pancholi
HW #1
1. List at least three (3) kinds of harm a student could experience from electronic espionage or unauthorized viewing of personal materials?
Answer. 1. Loss of stored data in campus computer, such as assignments, research paper, and term paper. 2 can not able to access the online service for example, school email, blackboard, and student account. 3. Most important personal information can be used to buy something online.
2. Describe a situation in which a complete denial of service (DoS) to a user (that is, the user gets no response form the computer) is a serious problem to that user.
Answer. User have important meeting with his client, he is all set to present his work, but all of a sudden computer stopped responding
6. Many drug safety research studies are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies that would financially benefit if the results of the study are favorable. Is this an example of a potential confounding factor?
According to the open systems theory (McShane & Steen,2012), The subsystems of organization Napanee Beer were not operating efficiently, because there was absence of diligent communication between the marketing group and the production team. Production department was unaware of the increased demand for the product and could
Data Innovations Office facilitates cross-sector analytical insight generation to drive competitive value and optimize the use of its resources and financial assets. Under the Chief Data Officer’s leadership this office provides analytical services to many other business units. An agency relationship exists between Data Innovations Office and all other business units who use its services. At the same time, this office employs services of third party business analytics service providers. At times, the third party companies may need a database to create solutions which pose a great value. They might not be able to generate these databases on their own due to sheer volume of data and lack of very expensive data processing environments. Although these companies are hired to provide services solely for the interest of the principal – in our case Citigroup- they might see a potential to profit from selling their findings to other corporations. The principal limits such behavior by establishing appropriate incentives for the agent through the Master Service Agreements and by incurring monitoring costs. A non-disclosure agreement is also signed by the agent to legally prevent them from releasing any of their findings.
What services do you offer? Will I have a formal written agreement or contract with you? What if I can 't afford to pay your fees or make contributions? In addition to helping me solve my immediate problem, will you help me develop a plan for avoiding problems in the future?
2. Draw a flow diagram of the unit operations involved in sugar refining and at each step write a brief sentence explaining what is occurring. Use the information from SKIL site to develop your flow chart. Since the information does not start from the beginning of the refining process, please include an extraction step (extraction is explained in your textbook). Either milling or diffusion is
For the corporation that has acquired another company, merged with another company, or been acquired by another company, evaluate the strategy that led to the merger or acquisition to determine whether or not this merger or acquisition was a wise choice. Justify your opinion.
"What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. --
National governments in coffee growing countries have a major investment in Starbucks. Some of these countries include Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, Nicaragua, and Tanzania. Starbucks strive to be responsible for its
Users with certain rights may misuse their privileges to steal company data and sell it competitors.
Activities that are not suitable for some residents. Base some activities around the residents. Have easier yet ideal avtivities such as reading or some sort of physical activities to keep them fit.
In the beginning of October, the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Number (ICANN), a nonprofit created by the Department of Commerce more than 15 years ago, was to be given to the global community. In other words, the U.S. government has loosened its grip on its authority of source domains, instead giving the international community more power over the registrars. Proponents of the handover indicate that the transfer of ICANN is “more of a formality than a real change of policy” (Baral, Who Controls the Internet?). Opponents disagree, instead suggesting that authoritarian governments who are members of ICANN can threaten freedom of speech on the internet. ICANN disagrees with these conservative opponents, stating that no nation will ever control it, not even the United States.
During reconstruction, the meaning of freedom suited many different types of interpretation; the perception of freedom between former slaves and their slaves masters were very contradictory. To begin with, African-Americans had suffered severe abuse over those years of slavery, so to them, the meaning of freedom was basically a hope that in the future, they won’t experience all kind of punishment and exploration that they have been experienced so far. Besides that, formers slaves were demanding equal civil and political rights. In the same way, they valued their freedom by establishing their own schools and churches, reuniting families that were separated under
Denial of Service attack occurs when a malicious user attempts to flood a networked computer or device with traffic in order to make the computer or device unavailable, the attack gets its name from its purpose it’s intended to deny the ability of an institution or company to provide service to its
(The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course)
Technology problems, the student may face some problems of using computers and the Internet by not adopting. Some students have a few expertise in using internet like looking for useful educational websites, search for information and use reliable sources websites; also find difficulty dealing with blackboard since many universities offer it. Also, the problems of technology internet network outage or crash the student's computer suddenly, while the student following-up lessons, uploading files or assignments or answering an online quiz that would lead to lose a lot of marks. However, using computers and internet for a long time it led