Assignment 4 Module 5 In this video Neal shares with me the new ways of practicing negotiation in everyday interaction and improve my chances of getting more of what I want. Instead of approaching negotiation as a win-lose game, she teaches me how to look for a mutual agreement that can benefit all parties. She gives me the structure of negotiation and the four steps such as, Assess, Prepare, Ask, and Package of negotiation to be successful regardless of what I face. She also talks about alternatives, reservation, and aspiration. These are three things that I have to understand to have a good deal. In women part she explains how women should increase the chance of a success when a proposal is framed in term of benefits and tells me how they
For the Texoil negotiation, I was in the role of the Service Station Owner. As such, my main objective was to sell the station and get the best possible agreement. My BATNA was $400,000, which represented an offer from British Petroleum and my resistance point was $413,000 after tax, which represented the cost of my trip. My target was $488,000, which included an additional $75,000 to help tie me over until I found a job upon my return. This resistance point represents a purely financial alternative. However, there were several other criteria or interests other than strictly financial which could have been satisfied through non-financial means. My underlying interest or reason for selling the station was
Last fall, my wife and I put our home up for sale. Our motivation was simple, with the money we would get from the sale of our home we could pay off all our debt and have plenty of money left over to invest, eventually saving enough to buy a bigger home. Emboldened by the allure of liquidity I listed our home for sale and waited for the offers. Indeed the offers did come in, in fact over the next few months we were in and out of escrow three times.
In this classic text, Fisher and Ury describe their four principles for effective negotiation. They also describe three common obstacles to negotiation and discuss ways to overcome those obstacles.
It is a complex social process which already becomes part and parcel of our society.
Being a member of the Local 5000 in this whole project I could point out numerous things that make the employees at Auto Products Corporation want things better. There seems to be issues at the Indianapolis plant concerning overtime, premium pay, and even subcontracting instead of using their own employees to do the work. What I have also gotten from this mock negotiation is that in the past, the union and management have been satisfactory. Different viewpoints:
In this course, I have learned that it is possible to dramatically improve my ability to negotiate. I can improve my monetary returns and feel better about myself and the people with whom I deal. I also learned that there are several ways to test my intuition and approach. The course provided me with an opportunity to assess my “instinctive” bargaining style and provides suggestions for how to further develop my bargaining abilities. The negotiation exercises were a good way to cement several of the concepts from the book and lecture and gave me several opportunities to get to know my classmate more and test some new insights with them.
In any negotiation, preparation is crucial; and having a set, outlined process to follow when preparing helps mitigate a potential oversight of any significant issues within the negotiation. Following a set process also helps one stay on task and in-line with what the important issues and factors are in a negotiation. In Bargaining for Advantage, G. Richard Shell provides a well-structured framework to follow in planning for a negotiation. For this reason, I used Shell’s negotiation preparation framework to plan for the negotiation between Rapid Printing Company (Rapid) and Scott Computers, Inc (Scott).
Negotiation is the process of making amicable decisions between individuals or groups. In this assignment, I will discuss a negotiation that did not result in the best possible solution for all parties. This negotiation was related to my work experience where I was a realtor who was representing a buyer in negotiation of the property’s price, mortgage loan rate and terms. I am a real estate licensee and also a member of National Association of Realtors. I have been practicing my license for seven years now. Seven years of experiences in real estate industry
Negotiation occurs on a regular basis in a daily life and individuals negotiate in business occasions or outside of the workplace. Having superior negotiation skills is conductive to the success in personal life and career development. This essay will indicate that my natural preferences for different influencing tactics, comparisons between theory and practice, and a personal action plan to improve negotiation skills based on the role-play activity in my class.
Whether it is at work, church or in our private relationships, negotiations are a necessary tool for reaching an agreement. They are made by discussing each parties point of view with the aim being to reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial. For the most part, negotiation is the process by which those people involved successfully adopt or abandon their respective position through the use of positional bargaining. There are different types of approaches for the negotiation process - some hard and others soft in their manner of approach. The desired outcome of
Although, I am not that strong in leading a negotiation towards it’s ultimate goal. In order to increase the probability of a successful negotiation, for me as an individual, first I should identify the required steps and the order they should be taken in the course of a negotiation and try not to skip any step. The second item in my action plan is to improve my ability to construct trust-based negotiation. If trust is the basis of a negotiation, then both involved parties can think of a long relationship rather than one time transaction and it is what matters.
The Negotiation Checklist is a list that helps to prepare you for negotiation. The list consists of four parts: you (the negotiator), the other party (them), the situation or environment, and the relationship between the parties. According to Tripp, “The well prepared negotiator knows the playing field and the players, is seldom surprised, and can promptly capitalize on opportunities.”
Consequently, negotiation is a process that can be approached in many ways. No matter what strategy we choose, success lies in how well we prepared. The key to negotiating a beneficial outcome is the negotiators’ ability to consider all the elements of the situation carefully and to identify and think through the options. At the same time, negotiators must be able to keep events in perspective and be as fair and honest as circumstance allows. Because a common ground or interest has brought the parties to the negotiating table, a negotiator can benefit by trying to capitalize on this common
Negotiation is all about a strategy. The end result is usually to end a problem that someone is having, whether it is personally or
Negtiation is a strategic process of reconciling differences in interest and coming to a mutual resolution through cooperation that is percieved fair for both of involved parties (Fells 2012). The negotiation that was analysed in the “Enterprise Agreement Negotiation Report,” demonstrates that negotiation is not an easy process nor its orderly, since it is the activity and not the segment that determines the phase of a negotiation.