
Assisted Suicide Debate Analysis

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As the political debates are in full action, I am certainly aware of the discussion of controversial topics. Although assisted suicide is not among the topics, however I do understand the difficulties of addressing sensitive topics. The following assignment is a reflection on Helping a Suicide When the End Isn't Near. First, I’ll introduce the debaters as well as their background and position on this controversial topic. Next, I will address my view and rationale pertaining to the topic.
An opinionated article, Helping a Suicide When the End Isn't Near, published by the New York Times includes segments from both Mark Kleiman and Ira Byock who share their opinions on whether or not assisted suicide should be legal in the United States. Kleiman, who insist that laws prohibiting assisted suicide must be erased, is a professor of public policy at New York University's Marron Institute of Urban Management, whereas Byock, who is completely opposed to any law change, is a professor of medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College. Kleiman and Byock have compelling, but opposing viewpoints on this controversial subject, and each rule the other to be highly unethical.
In the article, Kleiman states his belief that "laws prevent people who need help in dying - …show more content…

After reviewing both segments between the debaters, It’s hard to definitively state whether I support or oppose the legalization of assisted suicide. With that being said, I see both sides of the argument, however, if put on a spectrum, I lean more towards the support of assisted suicide. I believe if the patient is competent as well as the one who has requested to take this course of action, it certainly can be justified. In addition, I personally believe in quality of life, not longevity. There are many incurable diseases out there, making people’s life intolerable, stealing their sense of life and giving a strong incentive to

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