
Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal

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Imagine laying in a hospital bed living everyday in extreme pain with no hope of getting better. This scenario explains what many people go through everyday, which is a living with a terminal illness. M. Lee, a science historian, and Alexander Stingl a sociologist, define terminal illness as “an illness from which the patient is not expected to recover even with treatment. As the illness progresses death is inevitable” (1). There are not many options for the terminally ill besides dying a slow and painful death, but assisted suicide could be best option for these patients. Assisted suicide is “any case in which a doctor gives a patient (usually someone with a terminal illness) the means to carry out their own suicide by using a lethal dose of medication” (Lee and Stingl 1). Some feel that assisted suicide is unnecessary because it is too great of a controversy and will only cause problems in society. However, assisted suicide should be legal in the United States as long as there are strict regulations to accompany it. One reason assisted suicide should be legal is because it should be an individual’s civil right. If people have freedom of speech and religion, then they should be able to choose when to end their own life. Heather Newton, a graduate from Georgetown University of Law Center, and Micah Issitt, a freelance writer, argue that “an individual’s right to choose the time and circumstances of his or her death and/or to seek assistance in facilitating death should be

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