Association Between Internet Addiction and Obesity Anjali Patel The University of Findlay Abstract This paper illustrates the connection of information and communication technology with obesity. The use of the internet is increased. Some researchers found that People are avoiding daily activity due to internet addiction. As a result, life style becomes sedentary. In contrast, some researchers believed that obesity is not associated with internet. This paper thus tries to focus light on the cause of the burning health issue obesity. Encouragement of obesity by internet addiction One of the burning health issues globally is obesity. The popularity of obesity is increasing in developed and developing countries. Globalization and the growth of social economy have endorsed upward trend of obesity throughout the world (Deng et al, 2014). The Internet has become an essential tool for communication, social interaction, study, information, and entertainment. Moreover, the Internet has moved into homes, schools, Internet cafes, and businesses, the extensiveness of Internet addiction has been increasing rapidly. Internet addiction is characterized as poorly controlled Internet use by avoiding daily activity (Jung et al, 2010). The human obesity means a state of being in which the natural energy reserve, accumulated in the fatty tissue of humans, increases which it leads to harmful health conditions or death (Matusitz et al, 2012). Deng et al illustrated that
The obesity epidemic remains to have significance pressure on our lives. The HBO Film “Weight of the Nation” aim to open’s viewer’s eyes to a major increasing problematic that impact the existence of the human population in According to Suzanne Bennett the creator of the nation’s childhood obesity epidemic American. Current Statistic shows that the rate of obesity in the 1960s and 1970s only 13 percent of U.S. adults and 5 to 7 percent of U.S. children were obese. Today, 17 percent of our children, 32 percent of adult males, and 36 percent of adult females are obese. Some factor I believe contribute to obesity before seeing the Weight of the Nation are an unhealthy diet, consuming of food that is high in fat and people who have trouble coping with personal life that might lead to depression etc.
Summary: This article goes on to tell us what a problem obesity is becoming. It’s becoming such a problem that nowadays Overweight and obesity are the main risk factors for many non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and some types of cancers. Statistics show, in both developed and developing countries, that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is growing. It used to be in just developed countries that obesity and overweight was a problem. But now, it’s a problem in both developed and developing
The author purpose for written this piece is to knowledge the people on how Obesity
Obesity presents numerous health risks, both physical and mental. Obesity has been linked to or is a risk factor for many non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease (including stroke and heart) type two diabetes, many cancers (including breast, colorectal….), musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis, depression and mental health disorders. Obesity along with all of the alarming health implications have the ability to
Our life is something that is so precious. Every choice we make impacts our life wether it be physically or mentally. When we choose to make poor life choices, it will reflect on us as individuals. Poor choices in what we consumed or how active we are will lead to a life that can lead to an early death. Obesity is an epidemic health problem that has been one of the leading causes to death. The disease itself causes sever health conditions as well as mental health one wants to become obese, but in today’s society we have been given the perfect recipe that will land us in a fight for our life. Obesity is not something that simply happens, but a lifetime of poor choices. We must discover the source of obesity and attack the health issue from the primary leading factors. We start with the source in order to help improve the lives of people everywhere who are battling this disease, as well as those who are predisposed to a higher chance of developing it.
Obesity within adults is a prevalent problem in the United States, with over 51% of all adults suffering from obesity by the year 2030 (Joyner et al. 217). Obesity, or the state of being excessively overweight, is sometimes a result from what is known as food addiction. Much like an addiction to a substance, to be addicted to food is to constantly crave a certain food item (Joyner et al. 217). Obesity and food addiction tend to coincide with each other. That coexistence is shown primarily in the documentary Super Size Me, in which director Morgan Spurlock focuses on the way fast food and food addiction affect the human body.
In the United States, a crisis is breaking out known as the Obesity epidemic. For the first time in history, it is possible for the children of this generation to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. Millions of Americans are exposed to ads that are luring them into eating the cheap, fast food of billion dollar companies such as McDonald’s. Obesity has established itself as the fastest growing disease in the nation and continues to make an impact on the general population. The issue of Obesity is directly related to todays technology through television, cell phones, video games and all of sorts of new gadgets.
Internet addiction has become a huge problem in today’s society. In Greg Beato’s article, he discusses the growing phenomena of internet addiction disorder. The writer explains that more and more people are becoming addicted to the internet. For example, he tells of a teenager in Ohio, who shot and killed his mom and injured his dad because they took away his Xbox. He tells how it is stated that five to ten percent of the 52 million internet users were addicted. The author is telling us that the internet has become very addictive in our everyday society.
Obesity has had a significant impact on American. In the United States, the statistic shows more than 69% of adult are either obese or overweight. Even children have become heavier as well. Approximately 17% of American children in the age range between 2 to 11 has nearly three times the prevalence from one generation ago (X). People in this generation are not as active as their ancestor or parents. Many adults and children are obsessing with electronic devices that they would sit in the chair for hours. Physical inactivity and poor diet are a significant threat to health that may overtake tobacco as the leading preventable cause of death (square). Obesity did not happen overnight; it happens over time. The body weight of our body is the result of the choices we make: food, environment, and exercise. When the energy we take in from food is not in balance with the energy we burn from exercise will result in increased weight. Obese people require extensive attention to their health and it can affect their daily basic life routines.
In today’s world television has become one of the most popular and frequently used pastimes. With the increase of technology available today people can now watch television on their phones, laptops, and tablets wherever they go. Something else that has increased in the past years are the number of obese people in the United States. In the last couple decades it was estimated that the number of obese children age 2-5 has more than doubled (5.0% to 12.4%) and for ages 6-11 it has also more than doubled (6.5% to 17.0%). In adolescents aged 12-19 the number has more than tripled (5.0% to 17.0%) and as for adults it is estimated that 70% of Americans are overweight and out of that percentage 50% are obese (Boulos, Vikre, Oppenheimer, Chang, & Kanarek, 2012). It is no coincidence that as the number of prolonged television use has risen so has the number of obese people in America. Television has a negative impact on children that in the long run can lead to obesity.
Addiction is a dependence on a substance in which the affected individual feels powerless and an unwillingness to stop. When a person thinks of an addiction, the first thing that comes to mind may be drugs, alcohol, nicotine, gambling or even shopping, but a new study shows that one of the most deadly addictions comes from a place of comfort. Food. Millions of people on a normal basis tend to experience the feeling of unquenchable hunger that can only be satisfied by a quick trip through a drive through or devouring an entire bag of chips in as little time as possible. Is obesity really that different from a more common addiction such as alcoholism? To answer this question we must consider the stages of addiction, recognizing symptoms, developing a plan of action in order to conquer this addiction, and how to
When obesity is one of the significant public health problems in the world, several social factors are being considered shaping the problem of obesity. New technologies such as televisions, cars and computers that decrease the mobility of a person; development of fast food and drinks that are high in fat and sugar which clearly increase the possibility of people getting fatter.
Conversely, internet users do not frequently move as they should to exercise. The human body needs daily any physical exercise to be healthy, but this cannot happen if there is an internet connection. Unable to exercise leads to obesity, which is significant reasons for so many diseases. As reported by Anne Cocke article Internet Addiction and Health Effect she shows overuse of the internet leads to sedentary lifestyles, weight gain, and a decline in physical fitness. The other symptoms are headaches, dry eyes.
Obesity and weight gain have become one of the world’s most obvious problem. It is widely spoken of in the news, between friends, families and so on. In a study conducted in America, the results are the following:
Are you aware of that over million American children are struggling with obesity? Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. Being overweight an early age has been global problematic. As Cause, high number of obesity results from an abnormal intake of unhealthy food and drink and also unable to burn calorie. There are also problems with personal hereditary back ground that is important in determining obesity risk. Technology, especially phones, video games and television are becoming a main reason for obesity too. They are spending more