
Associative Learning

Decent Essays

Learning: Associative, Operant, Insight and Observational

Associative learning is when you learn something new and then the knowledge or act from what you learned is associated with a particular stimulus. This is closely related to the term conditioning. conditioning is a theory that says behavior can be learned based on a stimulus and a response. Associative learning shows us that whenever we learn something our brain groups the information into one associative learning memory. So whenever we come in contact with something that is associated in our memory to something else, both automatically come to mind. For example, if as a child, every time you went to your grandmas house you smelt oatmeal cookies. Then as an adult even if your grandma …show more content…

And with the use of operant learning an individual can make an association between a particular behavior and a consequence. For example, When a child is young they obviously do many things just to test your patience and to see what they can get away with. But if you discipline them, lets just say you put them in time out when they act out. If you continue to discipline them every time they act out they will eventually learn that whatever it was that they were doing to act out will not be tolerated and they will stop doing it. According to BF Skinner, whom is regarded as the father of operant conditioning, He concluded in his studies that behavior that is reinforced tends to be repeated and behavior which is not reinforced tends to die out or become extinguished. According to BF Skinner, the term operant conditioning means the rough changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response. So much like my example of the child getting disciplined, BF skinner had an experiment with a mouse in a case and whenever the mouse wanted food he had to press a lever when the light went off. If he did not he would be lightly shocked. After a few times the mouse learned that is he pressed the lever he would not be shocked and thus, he had the desired

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