Although many Organization such as national and international guidelines from the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) and the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) highlighted the importance of evaluating asthma severity in children before the beginning of therapy. Severe asthma is known when lungs are not function normally and develop tenacious symptoms despite appropriate therapy. Asthma in children is a chronic, continuous disorder and categorized by airway inflammation. It also has different phases. While some children with asthma have symptoms that are improved with short-acting bronchodilators, many other children have continuous symptoms requiring daily treatment with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Children with
A mother put her her toddlers to sleep in the same room together, later that night she tragically found both of them doing the same thing.
Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children (Kahn and Boskey). Childhood asthma is when the lungs and airways become inflamed when something comes in contact to trigger it. There are different objects or activities to trigger a child’s asthma and if not treated appropriately it can cause an asthma attack. This disease can outbreak from a cold or any respiratory infection. Daily symptoms can interfere with a child’s asthma like a cold, sports, school, or play ("Childhood Asthma."). In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 5 million children under the age of 18 have this disease. In 1993 alone, asthma was the reason for almost 200,000 hospital stays and about 340 deaths under the age of 25 (Kahn and Boskey). Normally children will outgrow this disease by the time they
Marieb, E., & Hoehn, K. (2013). Human Anatomy & Physiology (9th ed.) Glenview, IL: Pearson.
In this paper, I will explore asthma prevalence of children living in New York City. Asthma is an existing serious public health concern in inner cities and urban environments. Especially children with asthma from low SES families or minority groups face difficulties accessing health care, receiving high-quality continuous care, and preventative education. In other words, there is a disparity in the asthma prevalence and care in New York City.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease, the symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing, shortness of bread, reversible airflow obstruction as well as bronchospasm in the airways. This disease can manifest from childhood through adulthood if is not well taking care of, also it can become life threatening. According to the article Asthma in US Mexican-Origin Children in Early Childhood: Differences in Risk and Protective Factors by Parental Nativity: Over 900,000 Mexican-origin children in the United States have asthma”. This article explains that there is a 50% chance for the children of Mexican-American origin, of being diagnosed with asthma. On the other hand during this investigation it was noted that: That one of the factors that increases
For today’s analysis, the author has chosen the subject matter of school-aged children that experiences asthma. Asthma is a silent killer; the mortality rate is on the rise. Asthma is a chronic condition that hits home for the author and family. The author’s daughter has chronic asthma and environmental factors advance her symptoms. Other times when the air quality is cleaner, her daughter’s asthma symptoms go into remission. Many adults are unaware of the risks from the first and second-hand smoke. For example, in the author’s previous home, second-hand smoking triggered her daughter’s asthma attacks. As a result, the author lost countless homework hours and dollars because her daughter required
About 10% of American children have asthma (Thakur et al., 2013). It is vital to understand what determinants cause childhood asthma to understand even with a low percentage, why it is still present. According to Williams et al., asthma is a health outcome which is a major impact on American youth (Williams et al., 2009). This health outcome not only impacts them throughout the years of being a child, but it has the potential of creating more serious health problems in the future. And without knowing what the causes are, it increases the rate asthma among children and prevents treatments from being implemented. It needs to be addressed by using results from prior studies in order to show how much of a problem childhood asthma is but also in finding and understanding the other underlying
Children with asthma should be treated with both therapy using short-acting and long acting Beta2-agonists, inhaled corticosteroids to prevent inflammation and improves airway flow. Hill, Graham, and Divgi (2010), found Hispanic children are less likely to be prescribed inhaled corticosteroids.
A task force begins identifying asthma as one of the four priority areas seeking immediate attention. The plan put together was called: Asthma and the Environment; a Strategy to Protect Children. In addition to 5 other strategy ways that are called, strengthening and acceleration, implementation, establishment of coordination, and identification. Moreover, these factors were later changed around 1999, making the task force remap a new strategy. This strategy improvised more questions, so the task team had to explain the cost of asthma. Next, the task team had to comprehend the primary reason for preventing the asthma rate to decrease. Studies were shown from National Health Interview Survey and Medical Expenditures Panel Survey; explained asthma has one of the most common
Assessment of a child with severe or difficult asthma may include physiological measurements such as pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry and body plethysmography. It can include assessment of airway inflammation such as FENO,, sputum eosinophils , bronchoscopy with bronchoalevolar lavage and bronchial biopsy, and tests for allergic sensitization such as specific allergen IgE or aeroallergen skin prick tests or more evaluation for comorbidities or diseases that mimic asthma(Table 2).
As a county public health official you have a goal to Improve the county’s profile on RWJF’s County Health Rankings. To achieve this you are trying to outline a plan to address the high rates of childhood asthma in the community. Here is a case that illustrates the problems faced. Raeshawn is an 11-year-old African-American boy who experiences difficulty breathing during gym class at school. He’s had prior hospitalizations due to his asthma. He lives in a housing development with ongoing problems with roaches and rodents. He walks to school, which is near a major highway. His mother, a single mom, is a smoker and is working two jobs to support Raeshawn and his sisters. The family has no insurance, but is assisted by Medicaid. They have
Childhood asthma impacts scores of youngsters and their families. In fact, the bulk of kids develop respiratory illness before the age of
Have you ever wondered why the South of the Bronx have the highest rate of children with asthma? Well, the place matters, our social and physical environment determinates what kind of disease people are exposed to. Unnatural Causes presents on its episode Place Matters how the environment which people are in contact constantly affects people’s health. When it comes to health there is a lot of conditions that are related to our health status. Poverty, and the neighborhood are some of the factors make our environment healthy or unhealthy. According to the film there is a social pattern in the environment where we live that keep us unhealthy. It is hard for low income people change their way their live, to transform the economics of their community and to make their neighborhood safer. In fact, it becomes almost impossible to change the environment where less fortunate people live because nobody wants to invent into the community, and they have to carry with disparity. Violence, chronic stress and “poverty taxes” are some factors that influence our environment.
Nutritional imbalances and chronic inflammation may go hand in hand. The more we learn, the more we realize that we really are what we eat.
The main chronic illness that is dealt with is children affected by asthma. According to Understanding Pathophysiology book, “asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by bronchial hyper-reactivity and reversible airflow obstruction, usually in response to an allergen (Narayanan, 2012).” It is the most prevailing chronic disease in childhood, affecting 10% of U.S. children between 5 and 17 years of age with boys more often affected than girls. Populations most affected include black and Hispanic children, those living in an urban setting, ethnic minorities, and those of low socioeconomic status (Narayanan, 2012, p. 716). Cheryl stated, “at least ¼ or more of every class has children being treated with albuterol or nebulizer for respiratory complications at Head Start” (C. Anderson, personal communication, February 3, 2016). The children all have individualized action care plans that are followed by the teachers. Individual action plans are written by the primary doctor, and then sent to the nurse, the RN double checks paperwork, signs off and oversees the teachers at each site. The RN, a public health/community health nurse coordinates training and ensures all teachers understand how and when to use medications. The RN confirms that all teachers can identify respiratory