
Atf Organization Structure

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The ATF mission is to protect the public from violent people, stop the proliferation and storage of illegal guns and explosives that can be used in acts arson and terrorism, they also look to stop the illegal production and selling of alcohol and tobacco products(ATF 2016). ATF is part of the Department of Justice, there are several field offices across the country and their jurisdictional structure is within the United States, the headquarter is located in Washington D.C. There organization structure consists of a Director, Deputy Director, Associated Deputy Director and Chief Operation Officer. There are also eight different department that support the overall mission and goals they include The Office of Science and Technology, Strategic Intelligence and Information, Professional Responsibility and Security Operations, Public and Government Affairs, Office of Management, Office of Enforcement Programs and Services, Field Operations, Human Resources and …show more content…

Their jurisdiction covers all 50 states and U.S. territories and they have the ability to work with other foreign governments. Their main headquarters building is located in Washington D.C., around the nation there are 56 field offices, 350 resident agencies. The FBI has resources to investigate all sorts of crime to include Terrorism, cybercrime, and organized crime. The structure of the FBI includes the Director, and Senior Staff such as the Deputy Director, Associate Deputy Director, Chief of Staff/Senior Counselor, Deputy Chief of Staff and Chief Information Officer. There are also six Branches that has Executive Assistant Directors. The Branches are as follows: National Security Branch, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, Intelligence Branch, Science and Technology Branch, Information and Technology Branch, and the Human Resources

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