Athens is superior towards Sparta throughout ancient Greek history. During the Archaic Age, Sparta was solely focused on fighting wars and training their children for these wars. Athens on the contrary, was a city that focused heavily on the arts and was a very relaxed and peaceful city to live in. In Athens, all men born to Athenian parents were citizens, in Sparta, only the wealthy were citizens. In 594 BCE, Salon, the new leader of Athens, he created a constitution that ended the political control of the wealthy. Unless someone was part of the 1 percent, Athens gave members of society more rights than Sparta. By 508 BCE, Cleisthenes came to power in Athens and creates a democratic constitution of all people. While this advancement occurred
EDUCATION IN SPARTA HELPFUL OR HARMFUL? Sparta is the strongest city-state in all of Greece. Their army could smash through their opponents with their battle formation, the phalanx. What made it so that this powerful city-state so strong?
The two dominating Greek city states, Sparta and Athens, have there own strengths that make them the strongest throughout Greece. Sparta is "located in the southeastern Peloponnesus, in an area known as Laconia" (Spielvogel 53). Athens is on the peninsula of Attica (Geography). Sparta is know for their immense military might (Spartan Military). Athens is known better for their "leading naval force in Greece" (Women of the Ancient World). Their government systems were very different but very effective. Each Greek state was able to conquer a lot of land using different tactics. This brings up the thought that every country or state could be effective if all the people supported the cause. Political correctness however tends to breed idiots. With this being said, unenforced laws leads people to start thinking that they can get away with whatever they want or better yet, defy the lawful order of an officer. This can than become deadly and spread, until it cripples the system and a new one takes over. What does this new system believe in? Are they idea 's that are realistic? Or are they the idea 's of tree-hugging hippies who thinks everyone is going to "play ball." Well little does the tree-hugging hippie know, is that "The Man" who was "keeping him down" actually did know what he was talking about. Maybe the thirty plus years of military experience wasn 't complete garbage. Maybe it was keeping him and his family safe from the psychopaths and terrorists that
Athens had a better government in my opinion. I think Athens had a better government because they created a democracy. According to the Athens and Sparta Document Set, a democracy means “rule by the people”. The Athens also got to abolish politicians they did not like. Athens also had ten generals, meanwhile, Sparta has two kings. In my opinion, I think that having ten generals is better than two kings because they understand you more. Sadly not all Ancient Athens were citizens, but if a free male would be a citizen if his father was a citizen of Athens. Later on, they changed that law, it was then bothering the father and mother had to be a citizen for the child to be considered a citizen. Sadly the women didn’t get that many rights but they soon they got more status. The Athens also made it to where not only the wealthy can engage in the jury service. In the Athens, you have to be an 18-year-old man to complete military training. On the other hand, in Sparta, you have to be a 30-year-old to complete military training. Basically, I’m trying to say that the Athens had a better
This is a story about How Athens is better then Sparta. There is lots of reasons why Athens is better then Sparta but also there is some reasons why Sparta is better then Athens. Like the military is better in Sparta then Athens. But how does that help the world. NOTHING. It has done nothing to the world. Other then that and a couple other things Athens is better then Athens.
Athens v.s. Sparta Did you know that Athens had a Mediterranean climate with great amounts of precipitation. The fact that Athens gets a lot of water helps the Athenians not get dehydrated and can help most of the time. In Sparta a lot of cases of death due to dehydration in Sparta. In Sparta hydration is bad there because they don’t get much precipitation, so there are many deaths due to dehydration in Sparta but in Athens less deaths of dehydration has happened there.
Known as the strongest smallest military in ancient Greece with a government ruled by imperial rulers and having a hard working society. Sparta was better than Athens because it was stronger militarily and was more orderly in society and government. I would rather be a Spartan because its repsents a force of strength and power. Stronger powerful better trained army that, include a society with citizens that were more ready for war than Athenian. Government structure that was imperial and had all the resources a civilization would need to have a society.
First, Athenians have a better government system, which is a direct democracy. According to Ducksters, “Everyone who was a citizen could participate as part of the assembly. The assembly would decide on new laws and important decisions, like whether or not to go to war.”. To add on, National Geographic states, “Spartan society was separated into social classes, and conquered people were not given political rights or citizenship.”. Athenian citizens had a chance to partake in the laws of their society and got to make crucial decisions which affected not only them, but their community too.
The city of Athens was quite a different city compared to Sparta. Athens was a democracy their laws were also a little less harsh than Sparta when they were complete. Draco was the man that made the laws of Athens, but Solon was the man that fixed them. Before Athens was a democracy it was a monarchy. The people were through with being told what to do they decided they wanted equal rights for the citizens.
If I had to choose between living in either ancient city of Athens or Sparta, I would have to choose Sparta. As a woman, there are several advantages to being an ancient Spartan:
In ancient greece Athens and sparta were to good places to live. Athens was probile better though. It having readily available water, being ruled by the people and having the most triad power. There are some raisins athens might have been better place to live.
Athens was a much more superior polis compared to Sparta because the Athenians invented new ideas and creations that supported the people, such as democracy, the Athenians led the Delian League, and Sparta created the Peloponnesian League after the Athenians created their alliance, and the Athenians changed the ways of their government many times to suit the people, and the Spartans did not.
Sparta and Athens Sparta and Athens were two greek city states who one had a strong military as the other had a strong navy. So which one would you like to live in? I chose Athens because in Athens you didn't have to train to be in the military when you were seven years old. Athens had a mediterranean climate which had great amount of precipitation. That means it was nice place to live .Example
Greece used to be separated into the different city-states. City–states we're different regions with their own laws and rulers. I read about Sparta and Athens, but looking at their differences I would rather live in Athens. Athens lets people express their ideas, relax, and let us be individuals. Athens let people express their ideas by having a democracy for a government.
Athenian democracy focuses on economic advancement, while Sparta oligarchy focuses on military force. Democracy is a system of government where the citizens have the right to vote, whereas the oligarchy is when a group of people is in control of the government and it’s only their opinion and decision that are taken to consideration. Implicating the thesis that people are better served by Athenian democracy than the Spartan oligarchy, which is supported by three evidence points. Firstly, the Athenian citizen's participation in government, by voting and taking part in the government position.Secondly, the Athenian men are provided with better education by being taught how to read and write, not only focused on military training. Lastly, the Athens advancement in military protection for the safety of its citizens.
As the ancient Greek history shows, two well-known cities were Sparta and Athens. Each city-state was built on different and similar values. However if one was to compare these equally great city-states under the same umbrella, the question regarding which one had the best expression of arete would arise? In my critical opinion, Sparta was more representative of arete due to focusing completely on their primary goal: to be brave warriors.