
Athens Vs Sparta Essay

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Even though the Athenians and Spartans have similarities such as sharing the same language, religion, and both living in Ancient Greece they have several differences. For example, Sparta focused on military training, whereas Athens focus was on education, and the roles for men and women such as their responsibilities and daily life. For Spartans their military was one of their main priorities. It’s focus was on their army and loyalty to their state. At the age of seven years old boys would begin their training and socialization programs by being removed from their homes. Sparta had a system that focused on endurance, discipline and their responsibilities known as Agoge. The Agoge helped shape the men of Sparta to be warriors. At the age of …show more content…

Children were also encouraged to fight one another to strengthen each other up. It wasn’t just the Spartan boys that would engage in the hazing, but young girls as well. Sparta considered their military to be so strong that the ultimate disgrace would be to surrender during battle. This is because they had spent their entire lives, shaping their soldiers to be brave and never give up. Proving that their military was one of their proudest accomplishments. Education was very important to Athenian society. When an Athenian girl turned of the age of seven they were taught to read and write by their mothers. Mothers also taught their daughters to do things around the house such as weave, spin, cook, embroider, and how to have dinner parties for guests. Athenians believed that if they taught young girls how to act and behave early on they would grow up to become good wives. For boys almost all of them would be required to attend school, and if a family was wealthy enough, they would hire a private tutor, which would also teach their sisters at times. They would either do this or they would go to school in a teacher's house. School supplies included sitting on wooden benches and writing on wax tablets with a stick. Instructors would also teach children how to have manners along with reading, writing, sports and music. Most students would learn arithmetic unless they were to become bankers then they would study more advanced academics. Men would use pebbles or even their own fingers

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