Chances are, high schools are teeming with students walking down the hallway with crutches or a knee brace. In a high school environment, this is likely the cause of an athletic injury, the result of a contact sport. However, one high injury sport is not a contact sport. Swimming combines strenuous core, upper, and lower body training with cardiovascular fitness. As four strokes are recognized in competitive swimming (freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, and breastroke), the most prominent being freestyle, the repetitive motions of the strokes cause muscioskeletal injuries. Swimming has been celebrated as a sport since the 19th century. Breaststroke was the first form used, although more strokes were added over time. In the history of the organized
One of the most common truths that people have a problem with when the subject is contact sports is the injuries that are involved in playing such sports. Sports such as Football, Rugby, Lacrosse, and Hockey are all considered contact sports due to the volume of hitting and personal contact that occurs when one plays these kinds of sports. All though friendships and building one's character can take place when playing a contact sport, the risk outweigh the reward when it comes to the research done on injuries that occur every year when playing sports such as the ones
High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations each year. Do you want your family members to get killed while playing sports? It’s important to know about your safety so that you can stay positive and safe! Playing contact related sports can be dangerous to your health and could effect your whole life. Participating in contact sports can jeopardize a person’s health because of improper sports equipment, long-term effects from playing with injury’s, and sports becoming more violent, and aggressive, and too much contact.
A lot of sports that athletes play are contact sports. When you play contact sports, you run the risk of being injured. One of the more serious injuries that occur is a concussion. A concussion, according to the Virginia
“For example, collision sports such as football and ice hockey characteristically have more acute traumatic injuries than sports such as swimming and track. Boxing has more head-related trauma because of the focus of the sport. Within each sport, a general injury pattern and specific types of injury are unique to the sport. One type of injury that can occur in any sport or physical activity is concussion”. (Cerebral Concussion: Causes, Effects, and Risks in Sports).
Young children having major physical injuries while participating in sports should be of more concern. In the article High School Football Comes With a Risk, by Jeffrey Perkel it states that, “...boys aged 10 to 14 we’re most likely to end up in the nation’s emergency departments with a traumatic brain injury…,” This shows how adolescents are unnecessarily hurting themselves because of these sports. Expectedly, during the 2005-2006 US high school football season an , estimate of 517, 726 injuries were submitted to the RIO. Even my own personal experiences with sports all ended in tragic faults. Swimming with
Many people believe that concussions are just a head injury that causes headaches, but it’s more than that, so much more than that! In my recent research over Concussions, more importantly, concussions due to sports related occurrences, and the side effects.
Stop, right now, think of the last time you went swimming, think of how many times you've gone swimming, how high is that number? It's engraved into our lives, not only is it a fun way to relax, but swimming is a survival skill needed for many species to use in their lives. Swimming is part of nature, almost every living species has a natural instinct of how to swim right from birth, but humans don't, why do you think that is? Over the years, swimming from a competition stand-point has advanced and changed along with technology. My goal is to learn about: the regulations of competition swimming (rules and strokes), the technological advances that are pushing athletes to go beyond old records, and what is happening with swimming in your neighborhood.
High school sport injuries have become such a common incident. Precautions are not taken as
Many Jobs require you to have the skills before you are allowed to work. Just like Doctors display their credentials (Henslin, 2010). Education helps us students in seeking higher positions and employment.
The journey of competitive swimming started at the age of eight for my local `neighborhood team. I exhibited great potential for the future, for I won nearly all my races. This seemed like the sport
Donald Trump meets the legal requirements to be the President of the Unites States of America: he is a native born United States citizen, he is older than thirty-five years of age, and he has lived in the United States for fourteen years; but sixty percent of Americans still believe that he is not qualified to be president. The president has an important role in our country, so it is important that whoever is selected can be trusted to be fair and honest in that position. Donald Trump, on many occasions, has shown that he would not be a fair, accepting leader. He openly discriminates against Immigrants, African Americans, women, and countless others. Although he is a successful businessman and would be able to run the country as a business,
The main research of this paper is Sports injuries. Sport injuries are very common in the modern world and it has severe effects in the life of athletes. Injuries related to sport can lead to loss of life, body parts or career depending on the severity of the accident. Sport injuries have several negative impacts on the physical, mental, social ability of athletes. To accomplish the paper appropriately some real-life examples have been included in this research, for illustration. For better understanding of the rise of the sports related injuries, a graph has been mentioned that shows the difference between the numbers of sports injuries recently compared to 2004. Finally the research paper has been concluded by proving that
Anyone can get an injury in general, but if you participate in sports, every day that you play or practice your sport or sports you have that chance of getting a sports injury.
In sports, especially professional sports injury is a great possibly, and a common and very serious injury is plaguing all sports. The concussion is that injury. And over the past few years the NHL and other leagues or trying to crack down on concussions; but those are only partial solutions. In hockey concussions, can come from anything and happen at any time. Thus, proposing a solution or a way to prevent them, is very difficult. As per a study that took place from 1997-2004, results published in 2011 by CTV, states “With averages ranging from 4.6 to 7.7 concussions per 100 NHL players per season, it’s likely that each of the 30 teams in the league will see at least one or two players miss time due to a concussion every year” (Tahirali). Thusly supporting how many players received concussions, even if this study is older. Many people are fighting to get the game changed to combat concussions, and just as many fight to not change the game; although they still do not want concussions.
Central Idea: Swimming has a long and rich history that dates back way before our generations and is not always as beneficial as we may think.