Competitive Analysis
1. Who are our major brand, product, generic, and total budget competitors?
Our major competitors are S.C. Johnson and company (3 different products), Gillette, White Labs, and Inverness Corporation.
2. What are our competitors’ key strengths and weaknesses? Our competitors’ key strengths and weaknesses are that they, for the most part, have a cheaper price for the same amount of product, however, they don’t offer all of the same benefits that we do.
3. What are our competitors’ key marketing capabilities in terms of products, distribution, promotion, and pricing? Their price is cheaper and their distribution is much better due to better manufacturing capacity.
4. What response can we expect from
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Customer Environmental Analysis
1. Who are our current and potential customers?
What are the demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics of our customers?
a. Based solely on the fact that the shaving gel is considered high-end, the customers of the products are middle class and beyond women who shave regularly and want a gel that contains a moisturizer, reduces irritation, and makes shaving easier
Who purchases our products? Who are the users of our product? Who influences the purchase of our product? Are the needs of these groups different?
a. The main purchaser of our product is adult women- over the age of thirteen who have gone through puberty and have made the decision to shave their legs and underarms. Husbands and children will influence the purchase of the product because of household income. The needs of these groups are not different.
Who is financially responsible for making the purchase?
a. The woman who is purchasing the product is financially responsible. However, parents or spouses could be financially responsible as well.
2. What do our customers do with our products? What needs do we satisfy?
In what quantities and in what combinations are our products purchased?
a. As of right now, our product can be purchased in a 5.5-ounce tube. However, once repackaging happen our product could be purchased in a 5.5 ounce or 10-ounce aerosol can.
Do segments vary on their purchase and
To gain competitive advantage Kudler will need to gain enough information about its competitors to know its competitor’s strengths and weaknesses. By knowing the competitors strengths and weaknesses Kudler can market its products with a differentiated strategy from its competitors (Business Marketing, 2011).
It is better quality so it will last longer, it has a better warranty in case anything goes wrong, it functions or looks better than the opposition, the design is future projected.
Here’s a quick look at the Chicago Blackhawks' 2-1 win over the Tampa Bay Lightning in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals at Amalie Arena on Wednesday.
In the following I have considered that they’re holistic approach to their marketing is their strongest point, and that the way they deal with their competition in the marketplace is their worst point.
Although these are positive qualities of our company, our competitive advantage is costly. By having a product for every customer, we may not be focusing enough on our best product that could be generating the highest profit. If we invest the same amount for every product, it could lead to investing too much money on those products not performing as well; moreover, not investing enough on those products performing the
The Indonesian economy has constantly grown within the last 20 years. However, the shaving market is still underdeveloped compared with Western markets. Hence, Gillette should provide more information to spread widely concept of shaving. Moreover, it should introduce new products to facilitate the introduction of shaving products to non-shavers and increase the frequency of shaving in current shavers.
Statement: By based on research of Japanese market, P&G made clear targeting and positioning, and developed new products which fulfilled customers’ needs, built the effective distribution. As a result, P&G could establish differentiation advantages for the following. • Product: “Foaming massage cloth” , Elegant dispensing box “Foaming massage cloth” increase skin circulation through a massage while boosting skin clarity due to the microfibers’ ability to clean pores and trap dirt. • Price: Premium price • Place: Luxury and nice counter at department store • Promotion: Counseling by Beauty counselor, TV advertising, Beauty magazines
Jobber and Chadwick (2013) discussed that the main two sources of gaining an advantage over competitors are by offering different benefits of the product or deliver it at lower cost than the competition.
sales and as well as cut in cost due to access to each other superior manufacturing efficiencies.
Have ever considered that do you really need this “for woman” stuff, while you are buying pink shave for your smooth and sensitive skin as a woman?
Today’s markets hold aggressive competition between companies in order to dominate as much share as they can from the market. That is why most companies are seeking for a competitive advantage that will differentiate them from their other competitors and makes consumers buy their services or products over the others.
Gillette is successful because the focus on the one thing they know and that is men. They understand what men need for their grooming needs, and their products are sold all over the world (P Kotler, 2017). Gillette’s popularity has worked because of several factors, including high-quality innovation, consumer research, and mass communications. With their research, and the fact they have kept improving their product, Gillette has made many breakthrough product innovations, which should allow their success to keep increasing. In 1971, there was the Trac II, the first twin-blade shaving system, then the Atra in 1977 there was a razor with a pivoting head, and then in 1989 they developed the Sensor the first razor with spring-mounted twin blades dubbed (P Kotler, 2017). In 1998, Gillette introduced the Mach3 it was the first triple-blade system, surpassed only by the 2006 launch of the six-blade Fusion, promoted as “the best shave on the planet.” (P Kotler, 2017) It is possible that Gillette can become as successful with Women as Men due to the fact Procter & Gamble acquired Gillette in 2005 and Procter & Gamble are experts at marketing to women, due to the fact most of their lines such as dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, and hygiene products are aim for their woman clients.
The last group is the Aesthetic shavers – the ones who are also willing to experiment with technology and are more interested in cosmetic results.
Knowing who your competitors are, and what they are offering, can help you to make your products, services and marketing stand out. It will enable you to set your prices competitively and help you to respond to rival marketing campaigns with your own initiatives. You can use this knowledge to create marketing strategies that take advantage of your competitors ' weaknesses, and improve your own business performance. You can also assess any threats posed by both new entrants to your market and current competitors. This knowledge will help you to be realistic about how successful you can be.
Company conducted a survey in order to determine the segmentation of people who would like to prefer fragrance and moisturizing cream in the skin care products they use.