
Attachment 1. Competitive Analysis. . 1.Who Are Our Major

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Competitive Analysis

1. Who are our major brand, product, generic, and total budget competitors?
Our major competitors are S.C. Johnson and company (3 different products), Gillette, White Labs, and Inverness Corporation.
2. What are our competitors’ key strengths and weaknesses? Our competitors’ key strengths and weaknesses are that they, for the most part, have a cheaper price for the same amount of product, however, they don’t offer all of the same benefits that we do.
3. What are our competitors’ key marketing capabilities in terms of products, distribution, promotion, and pricing? Their price is cheaper and their distribution is much better due to better manufacturing capacity.
4. What response can we expect from …show more content…

Customer Environmental Analysis

1. Who are our current and potential customers?
What are the demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics of our customers?
a. Based solely on the fact that the shaving gel is considered high-end, the customers of the products are middle class and beyond women who shave regularly and want a gel that contains a moisturizer, reduces irritation, and makes shaving easier
Who purchases our products? Who are the users of our product? Who influences the purchase of our product? Are the needs of these groups different?
a. The main purchaser of our product is adult women- over the age of thirteen who have gone through puberty and have made the decision to shave their legs and underarms. Husbands and children will influence the purchase of the product because of household income. The needs of these groups are not different.
Who is financially responsible for making the purchase?
a. The woman who is purchasing the product is financially responsible. However, parents or spouses could be financially responsible as well.
2. What do our customers do with our products? What needs do we satisfy?
In what quantities and in what combinations are our products purchased?
a. As of right now, our product can be purchased in a 5.5-ounce tube. However, once repackaging happen our product could be purchased in a 5.5 ounce or 10-ounce aerosol can.
Do segments vary on their purchase and

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