
Attachment Reflection

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The results I obtained from the questionnaire were classified into three different graphs; my results correspond to three attachment-related states which are security, anxiety, and avoidance. Those graphs contrasted my scores with scores of people who took the surveys before me, and those scores ranged from 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. The questionnaire described my attachment style under the security state as 3.3, which is my highest score. A section below the result graphs mentioned that people with high scores under this state tend to feel that others are more available and responsible for them. This situation made me wonder, this is the reason why is relatively easy for me interact with people. However, as we read on chapter …show more content…

As we contemplated on chapter 10 “Individuals who are securely attached have a well-integrated sense of self-acceptance, self-steam, and self-efficacy” (348). I grew up in a harmonic environment, in which my parents always emphasized me the importance of being secure about myself and never be afraid of expressing my ideas and thoughts. I grew up with a family that motivates me to always obtain my own goals; my parents fomented in me the idea that I have to try the best of me in order to accomplish my goals and my personal success. My parents have always educated me in an affectionate environment, they always express to my sisters and me how important we are and they encourage us to always be independent. One of most important things that my parents taught to my sisters and I was to always be proud of ourselves and never be scared of the times we fall. They always encouraged my sisters and me to focus on our goals and not matter how far or close we are from them. Sincerely, I think that the amount of attention and affection that we receive from our parents influence and design the person we become in the future. Honestly, I am so thankful with my parents because the way in which they educated me to play a really important role on structure and development of my self-steam, my personality, and mainly in the way I interact with

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