
Attention Getter For Character Education Essay

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A. Attention Getter: Have you ever been in a class where the teacher says something along the lines of that wasn't very nice of you or do you think thats something you should be doing?
B. Focus: Well the reason they say these things is because their job isn’t just to teach you academics.
C. Thesis: Teachers are expected to teach so many more things than just the academics and one of those is character. As found in the textbook Introduction to Teaching by Kauchack and Eggen.
D. Preview: Today I am going to inform you about what character education is, where it came from, and how it is implemented in the classroom.
II. Body A. So what exactly is character education? 1. According to Kauchak and Eggen character education is defined as a curriculum approach to developing student morality that emphasizes …show more content…

Character education notes that there is right and wrong and students, parents and schools have the responsibility to teach students to know the difference. 3. According to of October 24, 2015 the 6 pillars of character education are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. P.A. As you can see in this image from on October 24th each pillar has a description such as Trustworthiness as being hon est. They also each have a way for children to remember them. B. You may be wondering where this idea started. 1. It has long been a part of American education states the September 2014, Early Childhood Education Journal. 2. Salls explains in Character Education that during Colonial America the bible was used to teach reading because it combined teaching religion and Christian behavior. a. The main goal of colonial education was to teach good character. b. One thing I found interesting was that churches played a small role in teaching because it was expected different adults in the community would teach good

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