Intro Paragraphs
Hook/ Attention Getter... Multiple paragraphs with dialogue telling a story about my dad, my brother, and I racing home from the hunting shack. Provides a story right away to entice the reader. Gives the first reason why family is so important to me.
Thesis: At the end of the introductory paragraphs, I will insert the thesis. The thesis will already be partly implied by the end of the introductory paragraphs. Thesis: Family is the most important thing in my life.
Body Paragraphs
Purpose of paragraph grouping: Introduce the second reason why family is the most important thing in my life: They will always be there for me.
Set the scene: Story about how when I was feeling sick and we thought it was just the flu. Turned out to
1. Paragraph One - Introduction (include a lead/hook, set the context for the essay, give the three main ideas, thesis statement is last sentence)
I revised my thesis statement to better support my argument. After reading the course materials, I have questions about... How should an introduction paragraph be
Thesis is a short statement that recaps the main point of a piece of writing. The thesis statement is developed in the text by use of examples and evidence. This presets the main idea, and states the authors opinion. It is a guide for the rest of the paper, and it keeps the topic focused. Thesis creates a more general idea by condensing the passage into a single sentence.
The concluding paragraph starts with the specific thesis and starts to branch out broader towards the end with generalizing phrases.
7. In the concluding paragraph, you start with the thesis and broaden the subject to relate it to more generalized statements.
* The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence
The introductory paragraph accomplishes three purposes. It captures the reader's interest. It suggests the importance of the essay's topic. It ends with a thesis sentence. Often, the thesis sentence states a claim that consists of two or more related points. For example, a thesis might read, "A college essay has an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph." You are telling the reader what you think are the most important points, which need to be addressed in your essay. For this reason, the introduction needs to be directly related to the question or topic. A strong thesis is essential to a good paper, as each paragraph of your paper should be related back to your thesis or else deleted. Thus, the thesis
Explicit thesis statements are direct and to the point. It makes a powerful beginning or ending to your essay, but it can also fluctuate the reader’s opinion. Explicit thesis statements would be used in writings of argumentative and persuasive, comparison, or division and classification. Evolving thesis is best used in writings that are complex or controversial. It allows the reader to acquire an opinion piece by piece. It can also seem all over the place and make the writer look like they are hesitant to state their opinion. When the writer’s evidence is so effective you do not need an introduction or need to explain is an implied thesis statement. Implied thesis statements are used in narrative or descriptive writings. It allows the reader to form their own opinion by the writer’s descriptive details. You can also make the reader jump to a different conclusion as opposed to what the writer is really
The elements of a thesis are generally stated in a single sentence. A topic is not covered in a thesis, but opinions are expressed. A thesis indicates that there is support to follow, and often organizes supporting material. Effective thesis statements are precisely worded to draw in the audience. The location of a thesis is very important because if it appears at the opening of the essay, it starts the essay off with a strong statement providing clear direction and an outline of the supporting evidence. If a thesis statement appears in the middle it allows the writer to introduce the subject and guide the reader into accepting a thesis that is explained, as well as defended. The thesis being presented at the end allows the writer to close the thesis with a strong statement. The types of evidence that can be used in a thesis vary from personal observations to statistics. Evidence should support a
We were asked to stay in the car park. A stranger in a white suit came to take a swab of my mouth, and a week later I as diagnosed with Swine Flu. The thing that stands out the most from this memory is the wonder I had when I saw that, just as I got better, my whole family came down with the same symptoms. And yet this isn't the only example. Being in a big family means that if one person falls, the others go down too. But it was the trauma of being swabbed and the swiftness of the contagion that really sparked a flame in my twelve-year old self, a flame that has know grown to be my passion.
A thesis statement is an introduction to the topic of your essay. It is typically introduced in the first paragraph, but in some cases it can be written after that. It can either be stated directly or implied, however,
When analyzing the change in the Little family’s lifestyle using Stratums C -- before the introduction of the railroad-- and B -- after the introduction of the railroad -- evidence of this transformation exists through the increase of manufactured food products. For instance, in Stratum B, the container in the highest quantity, as indicated in the above summary, is cans of condensed milk that, according to the additional notes, were canned in a factory. This contrasts with Stratum C in which the most prevalent item is empty canning jars (an item that decreases to just nine units in Stratum B) so as to demonstrate changes to the Little family’s subsistence strategy through the presence of the railroad by indicating their ability to rely on industrialization rather than individual agency to produce food.
The thesis statement does not have to appear in the introduction but can be placed anywhere in the essay” (Mark Connelly,2007 p.56) The location of the thesis absolutely matters in regards to how the essay is laid out. If placing the thesis at the opening a clear direction is provided of where and how the audience is swayed. A reader’s attention is strongest at the beginning. Also, placing the thesis at the opening gives the reader an idea of what the essay is going to be about, it can grab a reader’s attention early on. If the thesis sparks their interest, they are more likely to continue reading.
A thesis in generally stated in one sentence. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) This allows the statement to be the core of the paper and clearly states your point of view. (Connelly &Mark, 2011, pg. 55) This is also a critical in your prewriting process, it helps you move from a list or cluster of ideas to a specific paper. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) Writing this sentence can focus your ideas and direct your writing, even if you fail to actually have your thesis appear in your final paper. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55)
The initial part of the outline should contain the thesis statement. This sentence will cover the entire argument of the paper. Afterward, each paragraph should contain a topic sentence. These topic sentences operate like miniature thesis statements that build on the argument. Beneath each topic sentence, the student should add two or three pieces of research. By doing this, the student can ensure that the research is available to support their thesis before they begin writing.