To Kill a Mockingbird was a great book. Harper Lee made the Finch family unlike most families in the 1930 era. She also shows how bad discrimination was in the south during the early 1900s. The author of To Kill a Mockingbird made the Finch family unusual in my opinion which I like. The author makes Scout a tomboy instead of a traditional proper southern girl. Atticus Finch lets his children do mostly anything they want which is awesome because parents normally put their kids on a leash. Because he let them go out so much they learned how to stick up for themselves and they learned valuable lessons from their neighbors. I like when the rape trial started because I learned just how bad discrimination was back in the 1930s.
I did not expect that I would like To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee as much as I do. Written from the perspective of Scout, a young girl in the 1930’s, this book takes a look at many issues, including racism and sexism, all from the innocent eyes of a child. This book reveals many of the issues and struggles faced during the Great Depression. So far, this book is excellently written.
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a dramatic rollercoaster. The intense mystery of Boo Radley and his lifestyle, the daily lives and secrets within the Finch family to the heartbreaking realities brought along with the Tom Robinson court case. This novel is bound to leave a mark on anyone's psyche as well as a bundle of questions in their mind.
To kill a Mockingbird is one of America's favorite books. It is a nobel that everyone should read at least once. It is a great story full of wonderful characters, but one character stands out from the rest, Atticus Finch. Throughout the novel he is ridiculed for doing the right thing, but they still hold high respect for the man that he is.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a novel that explores the theme of courage throughout key events and through character. The novel is narrated by Jen-Louise Finch over a two year period revolving mainly around the trial of Tom Robinson.
Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird was published in the year of 1960, and is one of the few American classic novels awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The racism that is prevalent in many southern American towns in the 1930s is brought to life with profound imagery in To Kill a Mockingbird. There are several characters in the book, yet the true main character is the narrator's father, Atticus Finch. He is a man of great integrity and intelligence. A very heroic figure in more ways than one, Atticus possesses traits like being principled, determined, and, more importantly, he teaches others. When looking at To Kill a Mockingbird, one can see that Lee uses lots of description, dialogue, and actions to portray Atticus as a heroic individual.
Harper Lee is well known for her great contributions towards modern society through her astounding book, To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel is read world-wide, in high schools and colleges because of its in-depth look at the social classes in the south during the 1930's. The book was influenced by society, in particular the social order of the south during her childhood. Lee grew up during this time of controversy which is why she writes so passionately about the topic. Lee wrote the novel to make a point about race while basing much of the plot off a trial from her young age, her own father, and the society she grew up in.
To Kill A Mockingbird is a prime example classic modern literature, having won the Pulitzer Prize. Elements that have helped deem worthy of such classification, consists of its exploration of universal themes, the memorable and relatable characters who help define the story, and its addressing of issues that even now are common in today’s society, being able to evoke thoughts and emotional responses from its audience, helping them to define the world around them. It truly is a masterpiece.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a multi-faceted novel which explores the principles and morals of people in the South during the 1930s. Mockingbirds are symbolic of the people that society abuse. Lee narrates the events of the novel using Scout’s voice and uses this technique to add emotional context and develop themes. Themes of racial and classist prejudice are developed by Lee to challenge the reader. These techniques are all powerful ways to alter the views of the reader.
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is a beautiful story depicting a family living in the South of the 1930’s, and their struggle against the prejudice which was common to that time. The book centers on Atticus Finch, the father of the family as well as a lawyer, and his fight against prejudice. We see the story unfold through the innocent eyes of his young daughter, Scout, who is free from prejudice and not yet jaded. By viewing events as Scout sees them, the author shows us how to overcome prejudices, and gain tolerance.
To Kill A Mockingbird is a great American novel and movie that teaches its audience about compassion and forgiveness, justice and judgment, racism, fear, and the importance of youth. The movie takes you through a specific time in young Scout Finch 's life. She is a young girl and is growing up without her mother, left only to her slightly older brother, Jem, and her father, whom she calls Atticus. Scout is quickly forced to grow up when things take an unexpected turn in her town.
To Kill A Mockingbird” is marvelous and unforgettable novel. The novel shows what a dramatic old town such as Maycomb is like. In Lee’s unique writings, she integrates large conflicts concerning major political issues in the South. Not only
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has become a mainstay in American high-schools. This is a classic novel that has inspired many people of all ages. It had a big impact on how people viewed and treated each other. This is a story that teaches everyone about the value of honesty, love, friendship and trust. Every word written in this book has a truly deep meaning to it. The time period that the book was written in was during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. This setting was in a small town in Maycomb, Alabama with people who did not get along. During this time there was a lot of segregation within America and different races. To Kill a Mockingbird is about a family who believes in doing the right thing and being honest. There was a
Harper Lee wrote the story to show the racial injustice and what truly defines a person. Other stories about racism and inequality are allegorical while To Kill A Mockingbird is upfront about the issue. Harper Lee’s novel was brave as it faced criticism in the 1960s into 2018. Some may say the novel is controversial but Harper Lee isn't trying to obscure history into children and instead is honest regardless of vile and upsetting the court outcome is. Though the story of the book is not all jubilant it is truthful and fit the current at the time Civil Rights Movement. The novel shined a light on what was truly going on.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a beloved novel published in 1960. After reading the novel there were some moments and people that I found particularly enjoyable. My favorite part of the novel was when the children went to Boo Radley's house to try to get a look at him. In addition, Atticus Finch was my favorite character in the novel. In my opinion the book was very good. I felt that it really showed the thoughts and actions, both good and bad, of the people in the South during the time of the Great Depression. At some points it was sad and at others it was comical but overall it conveyed the message that it was trying to send and everyone could learn something from it.
To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee is a Pulitzer Prize winning novel, that offers a view of life through a young girl’s eyes. The novel is focused on two main themes which are racism and discrimination.