Atticus’ Amazing Characteristics Atticus Finch is an extremely important character of an extremely well written book called To Kill A Mockingbird.Atticus is the father of the main character of the book, who is Jean Louise Finch, or better known as Scout. Atticus sets extraordinary examples for his children throughout the book. Some of his leading examples are when he is respectful to Mrs. Dubose despite her disrespecting him on several occasions, and defending Tom Robinson which is frowned upon by many people of the community. All throughout the book Atticus proves himself to be an enlightened, civil, and valiant individual. One of Atticus Finch’s main characteristics is enlightenment. To be a lawyer, like Atticus, you must be enlightened for many purposes that Atticus showcases throughout the book. One specific one is when he plays a trick on Bob Ewell to show that Mayella's bruises were caused by a left handed individual and Tom Robinson is not left handed. Atticus specifically says “Clearly now, so the jury can see you do it”(237) which is Atticus assuring that the jury sees that Bob is left handed. To add to examples, at one point during the story Atticus tricks Scout by making a compromise which entails them still reading by …show more content…
Atticus is by far the most civil character of the book. Atticus has copious examples of him acting civil. There are two main examples of him being civil in the book. The first example is when Bob Ewell spits in Atticus’ face and he just wipes it off and continues with his day. The best example of his civilness is when he goes to Mrs. Dubose’s house after her death to pay his respects despite her highly disliking him. After Atticus returns he says “She was conscious to the last, almost conscious.”(148) referencing to her drug addiction and her never really being in control. Atticus respects everyone even if they are disrespectful to him which makes Atticus and amazing
Atticus Finch is head of the throne over Joe Gargery of Great Expectations and Chlomo Wiesel of Night. I believe that Atticus Finch is an astoundingly well adjusted father for many reasons. First of all, he was a single parent that managed to make time for Jem and Scout, his two children. He is also a courageous, generous, forgiving, and honest man. Atticus Finch is a single parent working an exceptionally hard job to bring in enough income to pay his maid and supply the needs for his children. He is away most of the day at the courthouse defending his clients. Although his job sometimes required long hours, he still made time to read to his daughter at bedtime and pass a ball with his son.Therefore, Atticus Finch of To Kill a Mockingbird is the better father over Joe Gargery of Great Expectations and Chlomo Wiesel of Night because of his courageousness, generosity, forgiveness, and honesty.
This shows that Atticus has also raised Scout to be respectful despite the rumors she heard about him. The second half of the novel provided evidence that showed how
To begin with I will be characterizing Atticus as moral and caring. Within the story there is plenty of evidence to support Atticus as moral. The first piece of evidence that he is moral is when Atticus takes the Tom Robinson case. Atticus knows he cannot win the case. He takes the case and this proves he is moral because he takes the case that was handed to him and does not give up even though he knows he will lose. It also proves he is moral because the whole town is also against him as he takes the case. Another reason Atticus is moral is because he believes you should apologize for your wrongs. This quote helps to demonstrate this, “to do something like this to a sick old lady is inexcusable. I strongly advise you to go down and have a talk with
Atticus Finch is a father and lawyer who lives in Maycomb County with two children and a worker in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus is a man of integrity and wants to help people no matter who they are. This is why he decides to help a black man in a rape case against a white women. It makes sense for Atticus to take a stand for Tom Robinson because he is a man of integrity.
looks up to Atticus and almost uses him as a role model – ‘Atticus is
By listening to what Scout has to say and by compromising with her and giving her a reason to go to school without forcing her, Atticus is being a good
Throughout the novel, Atticus displays that he is very well-mannered and civil. Atticus does his best to display politeness and respect to all, regardless of whom they are. He is very understanding, and tries to pass this skill onto his children. “‘You never really understand a person until you consider
He possesses both positive and negative qualities which bring his moral values into question. Despite many claims that he is too aggressive in court and is sexist to his daughter, Atticus Finch in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is clearly a hero figure as shown by the many notable qualities he possesses which include his positive social values that he passes on to his children, and his progressive views on his case with Tom Robinson. It is clear by the actions of Atticus in terms of the trial that he makes his best effort to
Atticus develops the theme integrity and compassionate throughout the novel because, he shows sympathy to jem and scout, he is also very honest with them. Atticus’s integrity shows when he makes Jem read to Mrs. Dubose for a month like she wanted because of his reaction to the things she says when Jem and Scout walk by her house. Atticus forces Jem to read to Mrs. Dubose for a month as punishment for destroying her camellias. By the end of the month Jem learns what he did was wrong because even though Mrs. Dubose was rude to Jem and Scout what he did was an overreaction.
He never lets anyone upset him or change his opinion on things. Like when Bob Ewell spit on Atticus, he didn’t get mad, he almost defended Bob for his actions. In the novel he tries to imprint this trait on Scout, like when he tells her “you never really know a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb into their skin and walk around in it,” page 30 in chapter 3. He also tells Scout “you just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anyone says to you, don’t let ‘em get your goat,” on page 76 in chapter 10. I think that’s probably the best example in the novel of Atticus being level headed because it’s hard for most people to just let people say what they want to without letting it affect
Maycomb County Alabama is a small town with small town folks. Everyone knew everything about everyone and that's the way it was. Atticus is the father of two children, Jem and Scout and also a lawyer in the town. Atticus said one day, "if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it," (Lee 31).
As we were reading to kill a mockingbird I realized that Atticus Finch Is a really great father and lawyer. What really caught my eye in the book was when they accused Tom Robinson of allegedly raping Mayella Ewell. The fact that Tom Robinson only has one good arm and is left handed when Mayella Ewell had punch marks on her along with her neck being choked, all the evidence that Atticus presented showed that Tom Robinson was innocent. And then Tom Robinson ends up being guilty and what happened to him at the kind of end wasn't right and all Atticus wanted was justice and what end up happening to Tom Robinson was very unfair, just because of his skin color. If I was in Atticus position I would be disappointed because you would think people would see all the injustice happening at this time. And would see that what was happening ruined his life and they wouldn't like if that happen to them.
In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch says to his son that he wants him to get rid of the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand, he is the father of Jem and Scout Finch. Atticus is a well educated man and is very truthful to his children and his peers, he’s a good lawyer, a great father, and a gentleman. Atticus is a brave man but still poor, he and his children are poor but they still treat people fairly and respectfully. In chapter nine he was asked to take the case of Tom Robinson, a black man accused raping the daughter of Bob Ewell.
The 1930’s was a time of racial discrimination, strong gender roles and extreme social pressure. Atticus, scout and Jem’s father, works through theses influences to raise his children and community to respect each other. Atticus is remarkable character due to his ability to see things from others point of view. He also helps other characters in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird to grow and understand societal problems.
In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents Atticus Finch as a principled lawyer, committed but single father to Scout and Jem, and a law-abiding citizen. Atticus is a respectable gentleman in society and a role model for his children. Throughout the book we see evidence of his honorable intentions, though he doesn’t seem to reap the rewards. He is morally upstanding, even-keeled, and daring. Because of these things, Atticus is a man who deserves great respect and admiration.