Character : Atticus Finch
Explanation for shoe choice :
I chose these shoes to represent atticus finch because he is lawyer so he need nice cloth and shoes. Atticus was very modest person. They are also Heavy and rigid because he always go court so he need rigid shoes. This shoes color have black because he was lawyer and mostly lawyer have black cloth and shoes in court.
Quote that shows something about the character :
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
Explanation for quote choice :
This is probably the most famous quote from to kill a mockingbird. First always we need to understand person otherwise we have wrong idea about person
There are many interesting characters in To Kill A Mockingbird one of which is Scout Finch. Scout uses her fist over her words if someone upsets her. When Francis, her cousin, made her mad she punched him in the face. She also does not know have a very strong filter. For lunch one day Walter Cunningham was invited over and he poured syrup all over his meal; Scout strongly protested his actions during dinner.
If your father was being ridiculed and made fun of all throughout your town, would you be loyal enough to defend him? Loyalty is one of the many attributes that a little girl in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, has. Harper Lee is the author of this book, and she portrays Jean Louise in many diverse ways. Throughout the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Jean Louise Finch, demonstrates that she is very naive, intelligent, and loyal.
In the novel: To Kill a Mockingbird there are two children named Jem finch and Scout Finch. Throughout the novel these two kids are going through the neighborhood messing with the neighbors like Arthur Radley (Boo). Atticus is their father who tries to tell them not to bother Mr. Radley and tries to teach them that, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” This is very powerful quote because it impacts Scout and Jem because it helps them grow and mature as they get older.
Introduction- To Kill a Mocking Bird takes place in maycomb, AL in the 1930’s. The main character is a girl named Jean Louise Finch, but they call her scout. Scout is Atticus’s daughter. Everyone in town is scared of a character name Boo Radley, everyone thinks he is a monster and there are many rumors about him. But he isn't what people think he is, in the beginning he gives the kids items without knowing it was him. Until someone blocks the hole with cement to stop Boo. Throughout out the story scout becomes more wise and caring, but Atticus doesn't change no matter what happens, stays calm and thinks straight, thinks before acting. He doesn't fight and doesn't disrespect anyone in Maycomb.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." (Lee 33) Atticus Finch is a lawyer in Maycomb and the symbol of morality and justice in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The quote by Atticus, juxtaposed with the character of Bob Ewell and his immorality, represents the contrast of the social climate in Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus represents morality through his actions in helping Tom Robinson, knowing that he would lose the case.
In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch shows he is a true moral man by always setting the right example by doing what is right, not what everyone else is doing.When Jem and Scout got air rifles for Christmas, Atticus told them he would like the kids to shoot cans, but he knows they will go after birds, so he reminds them,” ‘Shoot all the bluejays you want if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.’”(90) Atticus tells his children to not kill or harm something that doesn’t do anything wrong, which is a reference to racism and how black people do not do anything wrong, so they should not be the victims of hate. Atticus shows how he wants his children to not become advocates of racism,
In the community of Maycomb Atticus is criticized by the way he talks to people and how responsible he could be. When Atticus had called Mayela ma'am and Ms. Mayella got offended. She became offended because she thought atticus was mocking her, she had criticized him for the way he talked to her. The way he was talking to her he was trying to show respect and was trying to be respectful to Mayella. "I got somethin' to say an' then I ain't gonna say no more. That nigger yonder took advantage of me an' if you fine fancy gentlemen don't wanta do nothin' about it then you're all yellow stinkin' cowards, stinkin' cowards, the lot of you. Your fancy airs don't come to nothin'—your ma'amin' and Miss Mayellerin' don't come to nothin', Mr. Finch-" This quote shows that Mayella is somewhat offended by Atticus calling her ma'am and that she doesn't expect much of him.
Embedded in the heart of America lives racism, prejudice, and severe oppression against people who fail to fit into the norm standards of society. In the 1930s, during the Great Depression Era, these traits of life were recurrent, especially in the South. Harper Lee recognized this and wrote what would become one of the most treasured pieces in the history of literature: To Kill A Mockingbird (1960). In small town, Maycomb County, located in Alabama lives Atticus Finch and his two children Jem and Scout. Jeremy “Jem” Finch is a young boy who spends his time playing games with Scout and their friend Dill Harris. They daringly venture by the residence of Boo Radley, the town’s asylum case, who hasn’t been seen by anyone in Maycomb for
“ Atticus Finch is the same in his house, as he is in the public streets” (46). This quote shows that Atticus is not just nice outside of the house, but also in the house which prove that Atticus is not a two faced monster. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus is proven to be an influential character to many people in the town of Maycomb. Throughout the book, Atticus never changes, but other characters views on Atticus or racism do for the better. Not only can parents stride to live up to Atticus's’ name, but the younger population of the town can look at Atticus as their role model. Attius has proven that he is saint like in his code of honor as a lawyer, a father, and as a man.
In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus is the “mockingbird” of the story in that he is “killed” when other people are against his harmless “singing”. This is so because he innocently read with Scout at night against Miss Caroline’s will, he clearly had the upper side of evidence in the Tom Robinson trial yet still lost, and he persisted Aunt Alexandra’s blatant request of firing Calpurnia in order for her to be the housekeeper. All three of these reasons help to prove that he indeed took on such a role in the plot.
Have you ever wondered what person truly represents the meaning of courage and strength? That person is Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. The reader appreciates and looks up to Atticus because he demonstrates his mental endurance and courage through standing up to society and doing what he thinks is right, and the song “I Won’t Back Down” buy Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers explains that these qualities are admirable which is why Atticus is such a likeable and relatable character.
“ People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for.” by Atticus Finch. Atticus Finch is just one example used by the Author Harper Lee in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. There are many powerful people in this book but some of the best are the quiet but impactful ones. They have many opportunities to speak up and share their opinions like everyone else but instead choose to stand out and say it in their own ways. The quietest people are often the most powerful. Some people might disagree and say because they are quit they don’t have anything good or powerful to say.
Growing up, I always thought I was worth less than my white neighbors. I couldn’t go to the same school, use the same bathrooms, or go watch movies at the same theater. Whenever I would go somewhere around white folks, they would either ignore me, act disgusted by my presence, or whisper profane names to each other under their breath. I didn’t like white folk until I met Atticus Finch. When I was thirty-five, I went to work for Mr. Finch as his housekeeper.
In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout narrates the novel by telling the story of how Jem broke his arm. Atticus Finch is the father of two kids, Jem and Scout, who always get into trouble and are the most mischievous and nosy kids around. Atticus is a lawyer who is in a case defending a black man named Tom Robinson, who is harmless and innocent, while the kids are always tormenting and bothering the innocent Boo Radley. Because they are innocent and harmless, but treated with suspicion, both Boo and Tom exemplify the symbol of the mockingbird in this novel. Tom Robinson is represented by a mockingbird in this story by always being innocent and never harming, but always being tormented.
We live in a society where power is positioned in hands that are often belonging to the wealthy, the white and often males. Power has become a thing that is thought to belong to the privileged, minorities are left powerless and are being overlooked and marginalized while others are not. In her book, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee has a character named Mayella Ewell stand trial and wrongfully convict an African American man, Tom Robinson. Mayella is special, she is special in the way that even though she comes off as a weak and powerless individual, she definitely is not. Mayella Ewell has power, she has enough power to sway a jury to wrongfully convict someone. This power is her racial and gender power.