During the 1950’s, Society differed greatly from today. Children were raised to be tied down and influenced in respectful manners which would they were to keep quiet and mind there own business. Everything seemed to be taboo and most had prejudiced views that kept races segregated. For instance, African Americans had been oppressed at the time and only a few out there helped them. One of these people was Atticus. Being a lawyer, Atticus wanted to help out everyone who deserved it. Even if that meant having others talk badly of him, and ruining his reputation with society. Recently his daughter Scout had come to an age where she's been subjected to these rumors about her father. In the beginning of chapter 9, Scout asks Jem what a “Nigger” is, which Jem replies with nothing and to ask Atticus. Even with Scout not know what a “nigger-lover” is, she still defends her father. Later in the chapter, Scout overhears Atticus talk to uncle Jack about scout being subjected to more of the influence of society, and he hopes that she can …show more content…
When children were to ask questions, they were left with empty answers to save their innocence. Although, Atticus shows that he genuinely cares for his children and wants to lead them in the right direction instead of taking over their lives entirely. Back then, Families were religious and followed most of the rules the bible provided. This decided what was morally wrong and right, and the people that knew Atticus and his family, believed that his children were “too free”. Along with what Atticus does for the negroes in the community most believed he outcasts from how others in society would have acted. This way of is considered old fashion now, because everyone was just born and already expected to follow certain rules. Since there was a limited amount of people at the time, not many were able to express themselves without being
f. Atticus feels that the adults have made the world the way that it is and the children have to learn to live in that world. They can’t hide from it and need to be exposed to it as early as possible.
People have different opinions and views on subjects and we won’t always agree with them or understand why they think that way. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” I like that Atticus is teaching his kids valuable lessons. We don’t know what makes someone act or dress or do the things they do, so we make assumptions and conclusions in order to “understand”, but the only true way of understanding someone is through sympathy and compassion.
Atticus was the defendant in the Tom Robinson case, and he proudly stood up for Tom. He was called a “Nigger lover” throughout the book because he defended Tom. “What kind of parent would I be if I didn't defend him, sure I was assigned his case but if I didn't try my best to defend him then I couldn't tell anyone else what to do.” Throughout the whole thing Atticus resembles a mockingbird, he is innocent and he is defending an innocent man. Jem and Scout also experience this in a way many people including
In the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' two important characters influence each other significantly over the course of the book. The book is set in the 1930's in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama. The novel is centered around a young girl named Scout and the events that developed her into a mature you lady. Scout develops greatly alongside her father, Atticus, who teaches Scout, along with her friends and family that life can teach you a lot of lessons, if you know where to look. Scout changes from a naïve, impulsive young girl to a mature young lady that ,with her new understanding of the world, influences the those around her. Atticus has learnt that humans are not faultless and not all of them share his moral values.
This evidence highlights that, Atticus tries to teach his children life lessons and sets a good example about wanting to understand others. Another example of Atticus setting good examples is on page 99 where scout asks, “Do you defend niggers Atticus?” Atticus follows this question with, “Of course I do. Don't say nigger scout, that's common.” In other words, Scout asks Atticus if he defends nigger and without hesitation Atticus answers of course and reminds scout not to say nigger, it is impolite.
and Mahatma Gandhi. This is because Atticus was against racism, like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela were, and this is shown when he defends Tom Robinson in the trial, despite expecting to lose because Tom would have been charged as guilty since he was black. He also demonstrates being against racism when he tells Scout that repeating the derogatory name people in Maycomb County called the Negros was wrong and didn’t deny to be the derogatory name people called him before the trial took place and stated that he loves everyone. Like other great people, Atticus was brave enough to stand up for what was right and face the consequences. While great people faced assassination and threats to their families’ safety, Atticus faced threats from Bob Ewell and his attack on Scout and Jem.
Atticus proved his abilities and intelligences, and he also cares for everyone equally. This novel is taken place during a time period where black people were mistreated and thought low of rather than white people. White people were thought to be more important
In the time they lived the negroes were treated very unfairly. Atticus was someone who did not like to judge people based on the color of their skin, so he was chosen to defend a negro named Tom Robinson who was being accused of raping a girl; "I’m simply defending a Negro—his name’s Tom Robinson. He lives in that little settlement beyond the town dump. He’s a member of Calpurnia’s church, and Cal knows his family well. She says they’re clean-living folks.
My annual trip home has taken an incredible turn, perhaps it’s for the best but I will never look at my father the same way again after today’s events. First I spoke to Atticus and the things that came out of his mouth were incomprehensible. After our talk I was ready to leave Maycomb right away. “I grew up right here in [his] house and I never knew what was in [his] mind”(247), I never would have seen him as a racist or a segregationist, all things that the talk I had with him confirmed that he is. I was more than heartbroken, “ he [did] not just leave [me] merely wary when he [failed] me he [left me] with nothing”(179). I saw my father as a hero; “I looked up to [him], like I never looked up to anyone in my life and never will again”(250).
It is suggested that as part of human nature, individuals naturally seek to find the negative in any situation (Walter, 2013). This underlying focus is present in nearly every aspect of day-to-day living including top stories on the news, performance on an exam, and even in professional lives when something doesn’t go perfectly according to plan (Walter, 2013). Furthermore, Walter suggests that it is also within human nature to want to fix things. When we couple the desire to fix and the inherent ability to identify the negative it is a dangerous combination especially when evaluating people as individuals (Walter, 2013). Strength based leadership is an approach that stops trying to fix employees, rather harness their individual passion or strengths in an attempt that can empower the individual and ultimately be successful and fulfilled on an individual and company level (Walter, 2013). This paper will explore how strength based leadership has impacted the nursing profession and ultimately is used in promoting better health outcomes.
Discrimination and prejudice against blacks was a huge point in this story with blacks being considered animals and trash and anyone who defends them such as Atticus to be given the same treatment from the people who discriminate blacks.
Atticus wants to respect others and their privacy. Not only did Atticus respect others and their privacy he also wanted his kids not to act foolish and act like
Importance of education is another theme that is explored in the novel. Atticus is characterised as education. The point being made is that to be educated is that if you are educated then you can make you’re own moral decisions that are not as biased. In the novel this is portrayed by the white people of the town as they have always been told that black people are bad people no matter what, but
AFTER spending more than a quarter of her life in chemotherapy and other cancer treatment, Teagan Crynes can't wait to dive back into life.
This is a very interesting article. The whole concept of using social gaming constructs to help children with ADHD focus more with a brand new series brought to the table and it was something that I wanted to read more about. In this article they used the testing of children with ADHD and the constructs of social gaming the theory behind the dopamine that is released when individuals of playing video games. Using that dopamine for the children with ADHD in theory will allow those children to now concentrate and focus a lot longer on tasks that they need to do. In my opinion that is an awesome discovery and definitely one that should be further prosecuted. The end outcome of the study was inconclusive, but they definitely made progress with