When a person can not understand the reason behind one's actions, all they need do simply try to see the world from the other’s point of view. This principle is from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and is one of the many themes from the story. In the book by Harper Lee, Atticus is the father of two children, Jem and Scout, who begin to face the real world as the encounter hateful slurs about their father defending a colored man, Tom Robinson. Atticus tell his child, Scout, that in order to understand someone, she would have to look at things from their view. Atticus not only tells Scout this but also engages in this philosophy as well as teaching it to his children throughout the book. This way of thinking later helps Atticus understand
In the novel: To Kill a Mockingbird there are two children named Jem finch and Scout Finch. Throughout the novel these two kids are going through the neighborhood messing with the neighbors like Arthur Radley (Boo). Atticus is their father who tries to tell them not to bother Mr. Radley and tries to teach them that, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” This is very powerful quote because it impacts Scout and Jem because it helps them grow and mature as they get older.
“You never really understand a person until you consider thing from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”(Lee, 39) This quote by one of Harper Lee’s characters, Atticus, in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird relates to Jean Louise “Scout” Finch growing up in a prejudice town because you can not judge someone from their looks and background. Scout lives in a prejudice town called Maycomb County, Alabama. She faces many difficult challenges throughout her life. Scout Finch And her brother, Jeremy “Jem” Atticus Finch, the kids of a lawyer, Atticus Finch, stick together through their many inconvenient problems. Scout’s ideals grow and change as they learn more about others and the
TKaM Atticus Quote Essay Daniel Li We as humans are judgmental and categorize others by their personalities and actions. We are lead into not asking “why?” In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch says, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (39). The quote is about empathy, or the ability to understand others and view things from their viewpoint.
To Kill a Mockingbird focuses on “Maycomb’s usual disease,” as a pivotal part of the book, but also shows that compassion and wisdom can exist in these most bleak areas. The prejudice and bigotry comes from the lack of knowledge of Maycomb, and their fear to change what they have grown up with. Pre-conceived ideas are the main reason that Maycomb is ignorant of black people as they are afraid what a change of those pre-conceived ideas will bring. Even so, compassion still exists, as Atticus is able to save Scout and Jem from the influence of ‘Maycomb’s usual disease.’ Wisdom is also embodied by Atticus, where his wisdom, which is not necessarily knowledge but life experience, is able to force him to do things which are right, shown in his
In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus advises Scout to consider things from another viewpoint. Atticus states that if she can learn this trick, she will be able to get along with various people. Throughout the novel, this quote can be applied to a number of characters to explain how they were misunderstood. Three such characters are Tom Robinson, Mrs Dubose and Boo Radley.
People are not always who they seem to be. One example of this is Atticus. Jem and Scout thought that he was old, boring, and never did anything exciting like their peers’ parents. Instead of playing poker, hunting, fishing, drinking, or smoking, Atticus spent his free time inside reading. He also wore glasses and was almost blind in his left eye. Jem loved football, but Atticus would never play with him because of his age. To Jem’s disappointment, Atticus said he was also too old to play with the Methodists against the Baptists in football. In Maycomb, every child's father was playing in the game except for Atticus. The game’s purpose was to pay off off the Methodists’ church mortgage and most of the town seemed to be involved. Jem and Scout
Throughout Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, it seems as if Atticus Finch is a failure as both a parent and a lawyer. However, somebody with a good understanding of the novel will realise that Atticus is in fact a terrific lawyer and a superb father. However, like all people, Atticus has his flaws.
The final portion of an aircraft to be created is the landing gear. Before this can be done, all of the other major pieces of the aircraft must be completed. These parts include the propulsion system, the tail, the wing, and the fuselage (Malev Virtual Training Division, 2005). Before the landing gear is designed, the stability of the aircraft must be proven, by establishing its center of gravity (Federal Aviation Administration, 2014). In a few circumstances, the structure of the aircraft my need to be changed by the designer in order to accommodate the landing gear. The main roles of the landing gear include stability of the aircraft during taxi and on the ground, loading, and unloading. The landing gear allows the aircraft to move and maneuver freely during taxing. The landing gear also separates main components of the aircraft like the fuselage and the wing while the aircraft is on the ground (Federal Aviation Administration, 2014). This is intended to keep the aircraft from contacting the ground which could cause damage. Additionally, the landing gear absorbs impact as a shock during and aircraft’s landing operation. Finally, the landing gear assists in the take-off of the aircraft by providing acceleration and rotation with the least amount of friction possible (Federal Aviation Administration, 2014). Features of the landing gear designed for the Boeing 737 will be discussed in order to give a more informative depiction of how a landing gear system works.
Children need an influential role model in their life in order to be successful and to live a fortunate life. Atticus Finch, one of the important characters in To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is portrayed as a lawyer and a single parent striving to raise his children to see the good in people within Maycomb’s racist community. Atticus says that people never really understand someone until they put themselves in that person's shoes and see things their way. If people do the same to see things in Atticus’ view or almost any parent perspective, they would see a strong desire to raise his/her child the right way. Jem and Scout Finch, who are both Atticus’ children learn many moral lessons from Atticus because he encounters some adverse situations himself. In other words, Atticus determines to teach Jem and Scout the righteous aspects of life.
After Scout's bad first day of school she decides that she will not go to school anymore because she doesn't like her teacher. After she gets home he talks to her for a while and then tells her "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." He says that the teacher can't learn all of their ways on the first day, but what he is really saying is that you need to see the other person's point of view if you really want to understand them. Atticus always uses this policy and this makes him a great hero. One time at Christmas when the whole family is gathered together at Finch's Landing, like they do every year, Scout gets into a fight with her cousin Francis because he calls her dad a "nigger-lover". She beats Francis up and her uncle Jack spanks her and she tells him, "When Jem an' I fuss Atticus doesn't ever just listen to Jem's side of it, he hears mine too." This makes Atticus a hero because when he sees Jem and Scout fighting he doesn't just draw unfair conclusions, he listens to both sides of the story and sees things from both points of
One of those ways being when Atticus is explaining to Scout that you never know what someone else is going through just looking at them from the outside. Which is indicating to Scout to consider things from the other person's point of view. This is a very important teaching moment for Scout because you do not know what someone is going through in their life. So you can not really judge someone until you “walk in their shoes” for once. “-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it says Atticus,” (Lee 33).” Another key moment in Atticus’s lifetime would be when Scout and Atticus are having yet another important talk as to why Atticus is defending Tom. Atticus says that he would not like himself as a man if he did not do what he thinks is right which in this case is defending Tom Robinson. This is another significant parenting moment to teach Scout to be honorable in everything you do and follow through with everything you think is the right decision to make. “The main one is if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again as stated by Atticus,” (Lee
Due to my extreme interest in dentistry, I decided to join the Pre-Dental Organization. The club does not really have set meeting dates, but instead emails us when there is an upcoming meeting. These meetings vary greatly from learning how to prepare for the DAT to having guest speakers. All of this information is insanely helpful, as a solid DAT score is required to get into the dental school and guest speakers allow all of us to learn more about the field. The Pre-Dental Organization also lets us know of events that prepare us for being strong applicants to get into dental school.
Maycomb… a small town, but with a huge amount of different perspectives. Depending on their perspective, their view on the world around them can either be favourable or atrocious. Harper Lee shows perspective through the characters in her novel: To Kill A Mockingbird, she shows different perspectives through the lives of the citizens of Maycomb County, one of whom being Atticus Finch. Atticus Finch is the down-to-earth, well-mannered father of Jeremy ”Jem” Finch and Jean Louise “Scout” Finch. He shows us a level-headed perspective on his surroundings, therefore making him the symbol for morality and reason in this story.
The concept of conflicting perspectives is consistently present in Harper Lees’ novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The text asks questions about current trends in society and the attitudes that cause people to ‘act like sheep” and conform while also expressing the need for individuality. It also brings into question the way the judicial system should be beyond reproach no matter what man is on trial, whether they be white or black. In a similar manner it also shows changing attitudes in regards to racism over time and in turn establish a conflicting perspective between the reader and characters of the novel.
Contending with terrorism is not something that can be done overnight. It must be strategically thought out and well planned in order to implement the correct procedures. As supervisor of TSA the prevention plan I would put in place is first to analyze the level of security amongst the infrastructure (Schmalleger& Pittaro, 2009). Having firewalls in place gives that layer of protection from possible cyber terrorist, but this should not be the only line of defense (Schmalleger& Pittaro, 2009). Becoming familiar with the methods hackers use allows me to know the best computer security system to install as well as keeping my employee’s knowledgeable by offering mandatory classes in how to prevent cyber terrorism (Schmalleger& Pittaro, 2009).