
Atypicals: The Cause Of Stereotypes

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Atypicals were first successfully introduced in the 1990s (Shen, 1999). The benefit of these drugs is that they are less likely to cause movement disorders than the typicals. But they instead, however, cause weight gain, leading to a much higher risk of diabetes. They also cause drug-specific side effects. For example, risperidone can increase serum prolactin leading to galactorrhea through its action on the dopamine tuberoinfundibular system, and clozapine can cause agranulocytosis, fatal seizures, and constipation. Atypicals do not have a higher efficacy than typicals, apart from clozapine, which is more efficacious than any other antipsychotic.

Typicals were first developed in the mid-1950s (Parida et al., 2013). Examples of these are

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