
Audit Program

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ABCD 1234 AND COMPANY WLL Corporate Office | To: Head – Procurement & StoresCC: | From : Head – Internal Audit | Report No | Date : | * Subject: Audit Report on Operations of ABCD 1234 AND COMPANY WLL. We have done general operations audit of ABCD 1234 AND company WLL from 1.11.2012 to 20.11.2012 and submitting the draft audit report below.. Executive Summary: * There is no ABC analysis of the suppliers have been done by the company ( Refer finding # 1). The Purchasing Department has not carried out an ABC analysis for suppliers and articles. As a result purchasing activities are not focusing its activities on the right suppliers and articles. Local purchases are done with only one supplier and overseas purchases are …show more content…

We were informed that the inventory system is not in operation for the past two months due to the computer virus. Hence we could not verify the physical stock with system stock. Risk Without having a operational inventory system in place, the company is not so accurate about the materials used for production and the stock in hand. Risk Rating : 3 ( min 1 max 5) Recommendation ABCD company should contact the system service centres / software companies to make the system operational as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------- Statement of audited entity <Please insert your statement / comment> Planned deadline <Please give the planned date for execution> Responsible <Please name the responsible person> Statement of Internal Audit <completed by Internal Audit if applicable> Finding – There is no evidence of risk management activities in purchase department. We were not provided with evidence to substantiate that risk management activities are carried out in the purchasing area. Few instances where risk analysis may be required and beneficial in identifying mitigating factors are: * Dependence on single source supplier for local purchases. * Dependence on two supplier for overseas purchases. * Change in government rules and regulations for imports etc. Risk In the absence of an adequate risk management plan for purchasing the company is exposed to risks in the external

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