
Augustine 's Ontological Proof For The Existence Of God

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Augustine was a Christian theologian and philosopher born during the late ancient period, born only a handful of centuries after the advent of the common era. Through this era, the separation between religion and philosophy became increasingly evident, though many theologians and philosophers did not limit themselves to one field or the other. In fact, many used philosophical ideas to back up theological concepts and thoughts. One good example of this would be in Augustine’s Ideo-Ontological proof for the existence of god. However, as with most things of a philosophical nature, there is no simple right or wrong, A or B reading of the Ideo-Ontological proof. Despite any possible contention that may occur over the interpretations of the Ideo-Ontological proof, there is no doubt that the proof contributed greatly towards the development of western philosophy, as started by Plato centuries prior.

The primary concept behind the Ideo-Ontological proof is that god is a thinker of some sort; for such an influential concept, the definition is actually very cut and dry. The steps to come to such a conclusion, however, are somewhat more complicated. The first step in this proof is to accept that humans are, first and foremost, thinkers; something that later philosophers would pick up on as well. The second is where the problems start; as predicated by the fact that we are thinkers, we are able to think of eternal ideas. I have troubles with this, as I do not presently believe that

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