
Augustine's Journey Of Christianity

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The soul, the essence of man, the inner life, many religions believe in the existence of a soul even if they call it by a different name, but Christianity in particular revolves around one’s soul. It remains the crux on which one’s state of faith and fellowship rests. If one’s soul stays corrupted so does his religion, future, and everlasting life. Christianity also believes that God forgives us of our sins if only we take the time to ask, and further continue to walk in the light. Saint Augustine states that men are born sinners; that even as babies we sin. Sin is the easy choice; even babies not yet old enough to even remember life continue to choose it. Human nature, man’s own instinct chooses sin over God even before it understands the …show more content…

Saint Augustine wandered for a very long time, stumbling in the darkness of sin. Yet other men hear the gospel and just know that God is answer to the question rumbling deep within themselves. Either way all souls long to be freed from the chains of sin, often this longing disguises itself as a void that needs to be filled. Man can only ever fill it temporarily, and often as man continues to try and fill this void by himself he only makes it bigger and the answer to this food only becomes more undesirable. Even Saint Augustine felt this insatiable emptiness and attempted to fill this vacuity with earthly …show more content…

This is joy grounded in you, O God, who are the truth, ‘my illumination, the salvation of my face, my God.’” Repeatedly examples of the paradoxical nature of the Christian God are presented in Saint Augustine’s Confessions. But the unquenchable thirst for answers to these paradoxes that Saint Augustine exhibits are merely illustrations of man’s longing for truth. Saint Augustine himself laments over the yearning he felt for truth. In fact, it was this desire that led him to the Manicheans. But if God is truth and truth leads to God then how did the pursuit of truth lead Augustine so far astray for so long? The answer lies in the wickedness of human nature; man spends all his life searching for truth, yet although his soul craves it, his mind longs to control and perverse it. Saint Augustine journeyed far and wide, and spent years digging through books and papers trying to find the truth his soul craved. But he continued to ignore and snub God because he wanted that truth on his own terms and not on the terms of a divine and supreme being. Often man denies the presence of a superior being even when the inner void and the truths of the

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