
Augustine's Views On The Crime And Punishment Of The Jews

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does not support it. Their response was that if people decide to worship God’s creatures like the moon, the stars, the constellations and the sun, destroying these idols would mean destroying the world. Why would God destroy His for a bunch of thickheaded people? Rather, the world would go on as it used to and the idol worshippers will be judged on the Day of Judgement.
According to the Torah, the Jews have a special relationship with God. This is the covenant which was made between God and Abraham and his descendants. They established a relationship whereby, the Israelites agreed to abide by the Torah in exchange for God’s protection. If the Israelites abided by …show more content…

Consequently, the Torah does not recognize the problem of evil and suffering because, there are no innocent sufferers. The reason why punishment befell upon the Jews was the result of abandoning their covenantal obligations.
Evil has not only been seen on the good people. When it rains, the rain does not fall on people differently. It rains on good and evil alike. Similarly evil falls on the good and bad alike because we all live together in an imperfect world. We all are the descendants of the first parents who disobeyed God. Augustine claims that sin entered the world through pride. The pride that the devil had when he refused to bow before Adam and the prideful fascination about God that pushed Adam and Eve to succumb to the

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