Auricular Acupuncture for drug addiction
Acupuncture has been around for many centuries. As you may or may not be familiar with, acupuncture is one of the four fundamental pillars of Chinese medicine.
This therapy believes in the overall human being wellness. By the stimulating different points on the body, acupuncture restores the flow of vital energy.
It is an ancient Chinese belief that energy–chi in Chinese- is the responsibility of human balance. When this energy is unbalanced is when disorders and illnesses occur to the mind, the body and the soul of the human beings.
Acupuncture works with different points in the body; one of them is the ear. This is known as auricular acupuncture, which stimulates the external part of the ear with
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On previous articles we were talking about the benefits of auricular acupuncture to quit smoking, so today we will talk about another important addiction, drug abuse. It is important to mention, that in this recent world were acupuncture is an alternative medicine and complementary treatment, The National Institute on Drug Abuse has stressed that the use of ear acupuncture to treat drug addiction is effective and leads to significant results.
Although ear acupuncture or any acupuncture does not prevent the use of drugs in a patient, as that decision must come directly from the person who has the drug addiction, it helps ease the different withdrawal symptoms caused by drug detoxification and even alcohol.
Benefits of ear acupuncture for substance use:
1. Withdrawal symptoms–Auricular acupuncture helps to reduce the withdrawal symptoms associated with sobriety
2. Improves sleep and helps deal with insomnia
3. Promotes relaxation- Ear acupuncture stimulates the overall neurological system, promoting relaxation in the patient.
4. Stimulates the release of endorphins- This enhances the immune system and reduces pain, stress, and anxiety caused by
Acupuncture involves the pricking the skin or tissues with needles, at various trigger points. In a 2678 patient study, acupuncture compared with no treatment, achieved better outcomes in the relief of chronic back pain. The physiology of acupuncture is thought to stimulate the inflammatory reflex, and the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway resulting in a decreased production of TNF, and ultimately, an inhibitory effect on inflammation.
Acupuncture can also be used to treat Depression by addressing the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Consultation and evaluation of the areas of concern aids in finding the correct course of treatment. For depression, the acupuncturist uses several areas to reduce grief, increase joy, decrease anger and depression. Other areas are also used to create an overall sense of well being and balance. The ears are often used to balance the brain and neuro transmitters. Magnets are also used on the ears to
Acupuncture is a therapy that is offer to service users who are taking medication to help treat their disorder. Complementary therapies do not help to cure an individual of the disease they are
Acupuncture – this technique is also considered to be a complimentary therapy. Acupuncture is a type of an ancient Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years by the Chinese. This technique is basically where you inject refined needles that have been sterile into the patient’s body.
Acupuncture involves “the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body” (Mayo). The idea of inserting needles into specific points in your body is to help realign the energy flow “Chi” (Mayo) in your body to
Acupuncture comes from Latin origin as is a Chinese form of medicinal treatment in which many, many tiny needles are inserted into various parts of the skin. Particular places of the body, referred to as energy lines are targeted in order to relieve pain. Acupuncture also claims to cure disease and help treat the symptoms of the following conditions: allergies, respiratory conditions, nervous conditions and disorders associated with the eyes, nose and throat. In addition to this it has
Both acupuncture and acupressure are fantastic alternatives or compliments to pharmaceutical intervention for pain or other ailments. Visit a trained practitioner today to experience the healing for
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical treatment for multiple issues, and is characterized by needles being strategically inserted into pressure points on the body to relieve symptoms. This is believed to reset you qi or life force within your body. This practice is carried out by acupuncturists all over the world. In western medicine, while we don’t know the exact mechanism of action, it is thought to increase blood flow and raise natural painkiller levels in the body. This rise in natural painkillers and increased blood flow are the major benefits of acupuncture. The risks are very few, there is a very limited chance of organ damage, infection, or soreness after a treatment (Mayo Clinic 2012).
Have you ever thought about how acupuncture, the art of sticking needles into the skin, relieves pain and doesn’t cause it? If you have pain and resting or medication doesn’t fix it then maybe give acupuncture a try. Today I am going to inform you about acupuncture and its benefits. I personally have had acupuncture and have seen the benefits first hand. I used websites with information involving acupuncture and ancient Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing that dates back to at least 2,500 years. It has been widely practiced in China and many other Asian countries. Only recently has acupuncture made its way into the western world. Acupuncture accentuates on the natural healing of the body. It involves stimulating acupuncture points by the insertion of very fine, solid, metallic needles.
Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine for thousand of years. In this medicine have been evaluating, diagnosing and effectively treating a large mixture of heath condition. The common conditions and specialization are given below the list.
Acupuncture is an old and natural healing practice to cure numerous health issues. It includes several hands-on techniques to give relief to the patients from the chronic pain. It is safe, drugs-free, and non-invasive treatment that will provide you long term benefits.
Acupuncture is a detailed holistic practice that can take years to fully understand. You can use the following information from Yin Yang House Therapy,
2. For more than 2,500 years, acupuncture has been one of the world's most popular forms of health care.
Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by frequent drug abuse can impair a person's self-discipline and ability to make sound judgements, and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs. It is because of these alterations in the brain that it is so puzzling for a person to stop abusing drugs. Luckily, there are treatments that help people to neutralize addiction's powerful disruptive effects and regain control of their lives. Study shows that combining addiction treatment medications, when suitable, with behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success for most patients. Treatment approaches that are custom-made to each patient's drug abuse patterns and any concurrent medical, psychiatric, and social problems can help achieve sustained recovery and a life without drugs.