
Auschwitz And The Holocaust

Decent Essays

Auschwitz “In spite of all the terrible things that happened to me, I did not allow Hitler to make me feel less than human.” (Holocaust). Hitler made people feel like they were nothing, he would take their lives away because he didn’t like them. It is important to know that what Hitler did to the Jews is not right. Auschwitz is still standing today as a place people can visit. Many people feel offended by this. Auschwitz is still affecting people today on how they feel and act.
Auschwitz was Established in 1940 by Germans (Memorial and Museum). There were 3 main camps located 37 miles west of Krakow. They were all open for the soul purpose of killing. Auschwitz I opened in April 1940. Auschwitz II was opened October 1941 and one year …show more content…

You would have to be checked by doctors to see if you were fit for work. Young Children, elderly, pregnant women, and those classified as unfit for work were sent to the showers. The showers were really gas chambers, this is the reason for many people dying. Doctors would also do experiments on the prisoners many would die from this. They would test twins to see if everything about them were actually the same. One of the experiment was to see if the twins could switch eyes and still be able to see. Another way people would die was from being burned in ovens. There was no “going easy” in Auschwitz. …show more content…

60,000 prisons walked 30 miles. They were ordered by Germany to go to Gliwice or Wodzisław. They wanted everyone to leave Auschwitz because people started to talk about what was happening here, so they wanted to get everyone out. They were trying to get everyone out of there before they were found and people discover what they were doing to the prisoners. Many died on the walk there. If you made it to Glowice or Wodzislaw you were sent to a concentration camp in Germany. They left behind 7,600 sick or injured prisoners. They left those behind because they were going to slow them down and they wanted to get out as fast as the could. They were found on January 27th (Auschwitz).
Auschwitz was open for two years before closing. There is estimated to be 1.1 million to 1.5 million people who lost their lives at Auschwitz. We will never really know how people die. There were people who lost their life from helping Jews escape. In 1944, they started to destroy the evidence that it happened. When they discovered Auschwitz they found tons of burned bodies, shoes, and locks of hair. Auschwitz was the worst of all the concentration camps. If you got sent there you were more than likely going to die

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