One point two five million people killed, worked to death, then sent up in flames. One point two five million people that is the number of people the concentration camp Auschwitz killed. Auschwitz, the most vile of the concentration camps in Europe, was built in 1940. Its design was such that it was the home of the most deaths and worst medical experiments out of the other concentration camps. The focus on Auschwitz pertaining to its structure and design, its mortality rate, and the horrific medical experiments performed by Doctor Josef Mengele all combined to make Auschwitz the hell on Earth that it was. Auschwitz was located in Oswiecim, Poland. The location was set perfectly so the compounds would have easy access to rail. The Auschwitz …show more content…
Each part had a specific task for its prisoners. Buna, the main work camp supplied hundreds of workers for construction jobs as well as factory labor. Buna was the third and final camp that was built. The prisoners worked in the Petro-Chemical Corporation I.G. Farben factory. There they made synthetic rubber and fuel. Before the factory was built, the Nazis had the prisoners clear the land and make it suitable for the factory’s construction. The land prior to the clearing was an open marsh which later lead to many diseases being spread by the prisoners throughout the camp. This lead to very high casualties, especially the cold winter months. The second part of the concentration camp that was built was Birkenau. The intention of the Birkenau concentration camp was to be a prison. In Birkenau, the Nazis held prisoners of war from when they invaded the Soviet Union. Within the prison, the people staying there as prisoners were punished in numerous ways. They were tortured for data on the war, they were selected, if fit, to take part in painful medical experiments by Doctor Josef Mengele. The most infamous part of the Auschwitz compound was the kill camp, Auschwitz. Auschwitz was a repurposed Austro-Hungarian artillery barrack. All the camps had casualties, but Auschwitz main goal was to exterminate its population. Anyone unfit to work was sent to Auschwitz to be killed. These were usually the elderly, young children, and women not fit for working. They were killed in gas chambers designed and built by the Nazis. The chambers would kill by releasing Zyklon B into the air, which then suffocated and killed people in an average time of fifteen minutes. Zyklon B is an insecticide which means it is used to kill insects, but it is so potent that when oxidized it can even kill humans. Then to dispose of the
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was located in the southwest corner of Poland, near the town of Oswiecim. According to “Auschwitz-Birkenau: History
Auschwitz was one of the largest and first concentration camp during WW2 and next to Auschwitz were two other death camps that were named Auschwitz ll and lll. At Auschwitz, there was a total of 8 gas chambers and 4 of them can hold up to 2,000 prisoners (Mostly Jews) at a time. There were 11 million people murdered in the Holocaust and it estimated that 6 million Jews were killed and one in six was killed at Auschwitz.
Birkenau separated the prisoners being held there. There were sections for Gypsies, men, women, and families. Since Birkenau was a death camp it had many buildings used for gassing and burning ( Two former farmhouses in the area that were owned by the Polish people forced to evacuate were used as gassing chambers. They made large crematorium buildings for burning the bodies of the victims killed in the gassing chambers (
My camp is Auschwitz - Birkenau one of the largest concentration camps where Jews were held captured. Inside the camp were four gas chambers. Each gas chamber used Zyklon B gas. Most people brought to this camp were Jews. Before entering the chamber they were ordered to undress. Once they finished the Nazis locked the doors and dropped in the gas. Also, when they died they burned the Jews. The bones were disintegrated and their ashes were spread out on the fields.
Of all of the death camps built by the Nazis during World War II, none was larger or more destructive than the terrifying Auschwitz camp. Auschwitz was built by the Nazis in 1940, in Oswiecim, Poland, and was composed of three main parts. Auschwitz I was built in June 1940 and was intended to hold and kill Polish political prisoners. Auschwitz II-Birkenau, which opened October 1941, was larger and could contain over 100,000 inmates. Auschwitz III-Monowitz provided slave labor for a plant close by. In addition, there were many sub-camps. The most important camp at Auschwitz designed for the extermination of many people was Birkenau; numerous gas chambers and crematoria were established there, mainly to murder and incinerate Jews as
“We suffered from thirst and cold, at every stop we clamored for water…the hours of darkness were nightmares without end.” Primo Levi, a survivor of the Third Reich order to exterminate all those who are deemed unfit to live in Nazi Germany, took a stance. A stronger take on Darwinism, the Holocaust was the name for the genocide of Semitic people such as Primo Levi. He described his time in Auschwitz as “a nightmare without end” which can mean nothing good for the Jewish people who inhabit Germany. Auschwitz was just one of the mass extermination camps Hitler and his SS friend, Heinrich Himmler, oversaw. When the war is over, Auschwitz was responsible for taking the most lives during World War II. Auschwitz-Birkenau is the personification of
The concentration camps were located in Oswiecim, Poland. There were three main camps: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Auschwitz-Monowitz (Auschwitz-Birkenau- “The). Auschwitz-Birkenau was divided into ten different sections that had electric barbed wire fences. Men, women, Gypsy and Jewish families were isolated in their own sections. Auschwitz-Birkenau had the largest prisoner population
In 1940 Auschwitz was established in the suburbs of Oswiecim. Oswiecim is a Polish city that was annexed to the Third Reich by the Nazis. Auschwitz was established because there were too many Polish people in the local prisons. In 1942 Auschwitz became a death camp and it was the largest known. (, n.d.) The camp was expanded throughout its existence, this resulted in Auschwitz consisting of three camps. The three camps were Main Camp, Birkenau, and Monowitz. Main Camp was known as Auschwitz I, Birkenau was known as Auschwitz II, and Monowitz was known as Auschwitz III. (Preisler, n.d.) Auschwitz was liberated in 1945. “Historians and analysts estimate the number of people murdered at Auschwitz somewhere between 2.1 million
Many people may know the holocaust as one of the deadliest genocides in history. The killing of more than 10 million innocent people was led by fascist and leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. The Auschwitz concentration camp was one of the central and most infamous camps of all. About 4.1 million people were executed at Auschwitz for their sexual orientation, religion or race. The Auschwitz concentration camp, a major extermination and labor camp during the holocaust, embodies the characteristic of deadliness through extensive labor and ruthless murdering of Jews and other “flawed” citizens.
The majority of the people were killed in concentration camps. Over 2,000,000 people were killed at the camp called Auschwitz. Over 1,380,000 people were killed in the camp Majdanek, and over 800,000 people were killed in the camp called Treblinka. Treblinka only had a staff of 150 people. The camp Belzec had 600,000 deaths. Some camps that had a smaller death toll were, Chelmno which had 340,000 deaths. Sobibor had 250,000 deaths. Camps that had “small” death numbers were Mauthausen who had less than 95,000 deaths, Ravensbruck had less than 90,000 deaths, and Bergen- Belsen had 70,000 deaths. Bergen-Belsen was the camp that Anne Frank died at- two weeks after her death, her camp was liberated by British troops. The German concentration camps were first set up in 1933, and the original purpose of them was to keep anyone who was “undesired” or was a political enemy to Nazi Germany. The main purpose of these camps was not to kill people, but many times people would die because of the living conditions, malnutrition, or because they were treated cruelly. Many camps did medical experiments on the detainees, and few of the victims survived these medical experiments. These gruesome experiments would be performed in an unclean room and would be performed without anesthesia. Many times it was common for the victim to die later because of unclean living quarters. Most people think that Germany wouldn’t have been a major threat in
One of the most known Concentration camps was Auschwitzs. Located in Southern Poland, Auschwitzs was the largest Concentration camp, which also had the most deaths. There were many smaller camps inside Auschwitzs including the extermination camp at Birkenau. Here they had four large gas chambers that held around 2,000 people each. On January 25th 1945 the Solviet army liberated the camp. But shortly before its liberation 60,000 prisoners were sent on a death march. If you couldnt continue any farther or fell behind you were shot.
Auschwitz was one of the most infamous and largest concentration camp known during World War II. It was located in the southwestern part of Poland commanded by Rudolf Höss. Auschwitz was first opened on June 14, 1940, much later than most of the other camps. It was in Auschwitz that the lives of so many were taken by methods of the gas chamber, crematoriums, and even from starvation and disease. These methods took "several hundreds and sometimes more than a thousand" lives a day. The majority of the lives killed were those of Jews although Gypsies, Yugoslavs, Poles, and many others of different ethnic backgrounds as well. The things most known about Auschwitz are the process people went through when entering the camp and
Where was Auschwitz? Most people at least know that it was in Europe, but few know the specifics. Auschwitz was located on Polish soil, in the then German occupied Europe. (3,6) Auschwitz was the central location for the extermination of Jews. (6) Birkenau, also known as Auschwitz II, was located 3 kilometers (roughly 2 miles) from Auschwitz I, the main camp, in the village of Birkenau. (5,6) Buna (Auschwitz III) was situated on the grounds of the Buna-Werke synthetic rubber fuel plant, roughly 6 kilometers (approximately 3.7 miles) from the main camp, Auschwitz I. (5) Based on the location of the camps, it served as the ideal place to carry out Hitler’s final solution. Even though Auschwitz was a major part of the final solution, there were still some people left in the camp for hard labor.
To begin with, Auschwitz had the nickname the “Death Camp”, and it had been a very cruel place to many Jews. It was well known that Auschwitz had many deaths within the Holocaust. When “the prisoners saw over the main entrance they saw the words “Arbeit Macht Feri” (work makes you free)”. As the prisoners, they would think that if they work hard enough they would get out of the camp, but “the sad truth was that the prisoners were doomed to slave labor and death was the only real escape.” Auschwitz had many gas chambers and big pits for the Jews that had been gassed. Once these prisoners had entered the gates many of them were unfit and was sent to the gas chambers or were immediately shot in front of everyone (Auschwitz: The Camp of Death).
Auschwitz was made in 1940, it was the largest Nazis concentration and dead camp made . After Auschwitz was made some more concentration camp where made . Many people never gave up and had a belief that one day they would be free “Stay strong stay positive and never give up ( By -Roy T.Bennett ).There where a lot of different people in the concentration camps like Jews, Gypsy, Germans, Irish, also Poland people who lived closed from the camp.(title) Auschwitz -Birkenau concentration and extermination camp.