Dalton Sanders May 12, 2014 Hogan 5th Period English I Auschwitz: The Death Camp Thesis: Built by the Nazis as both a concentration and a death camp, Auschwitz was the largest of the Nazi camps, the most diverse and intricate camp of all, and the main center for the death of Jews during the Holocaust. Outline I. Largest of Nazi Death Camps A. Consisted of three camps B. Thirty-seven sub camps C. Seven gas chambers and crematories II. Most diverse and intricate camp A. Decorations made the camp look “fun” B. Many decorations that told lies C. Was like a town inside a fence III. Main center for death during the Holocaust A. Total number of people there B. Medical expirements at Auschwitz C. Most visited camp of …show more content…
Auschwitz was also the first to introduce “Gas Vans.” These were used to put Jews in them and then put gas through the tail pipe (“The Seven”). Sanders 5 Auschwitz was amongst some of the most diverse and intricate concentration camps during the Holocaust. The goal that the Nazis had was to make the camp look comely in order to blind the world from the evil that was taking place just inside the gates of the camps. Upon arrival at the camp the prisoners would see a railroad station, but one thing they didn’t know is that it was fake. The railroad station was just a disguise to make you feel like everything was normal, and even the clock itself was fake, it was painted on the wall to represent how endless time felt while in the concentration camp. Another decoration in Auschwitz was the Star of David stitched onto a purple curtain that was placed above the entrance of the main gas chamber that read, “This is the gateway to God. Righteous men will pass through” (BBC). Auschwitz could be looked at as a town inside a fence. The “town” consisted of a cinema, a theatre, a grocery store, and the SS guards of Auschwitz even had their own athletic team (BBC). When you think of the concentration camps of the Holocaust you most likely think of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the main center for the death of the Jews during the Holocaust. 1.1 million people died
Auschwitz was one of the largest and first concentration camp during WW2 and next to Auschwitz were two other death camps that were named Auschwitz ll and lll. At Auschwitz, there was a total of 8 gas chambers and 4 of them can hold up to 2,000 prisoners (Mostly Jews) at a time. There were 11 million people murdered in the Holocaust and it estimated that 6 million Jews were killed and one in six was killed at Auschwitz.
Auschwitz was one of the most well-known concentration camps, a camp which held many prisoners who were often judged by their looks, race, and religion and not by their actions. In concentration camps people were forced to work and not given basic human rights. Auschwitz was by far the largest concentration camp during World War Two. It quickly gained a reputation for torture and harsh treatment of the prisoners. Auschwitz has a history that can give a person the chills from the horror of the mistreatment of prisoners.
feet the security officers would create them shift it returning ten legs. They did all this just to be
The Holocaust concentration camps were one of the things that has happened in world history. The Nazi, Germany and its allies established concentration camps all throughout Germany. The concentration camps were there for a range of reasons. These camps were used to jail those who opposed Hitler’s government or were thought to threaten it. The living in the camps was a brutal time. When you were in the camp you would work from sunup to sundown and get just little piece of bread to eat in the evenings.
Auschwitz Birkenau was the largest death camp during the Holocaust. Auschwitz is located in a Poland city called Oswiecim. The Germans construction of Auschwitz Birkenau began in April 1940. 1.1 million people were sent to Auschwitz and 200,000 of those 1.1 million survived the Holocaust. The people who survived the Holocaust found a new life in modern day to day.
Over one million people in just Auschwitz were killed (Holocaust Facts). About 1.1 million children were killed during the Holocaust (Holocaust Facts). During the Holocaust, there were, overall a total of 11 million people that died throughout the Holocaust; 6 million of the people that were killed were Jews (Holocaust Facts). The prisoners had to sleep in a wooden bunk with no mattress or pillows included; 3 or more prisoners had to sleep in one bunk all together (Holocaust Facts). The prisoners were given small rations and were forced to hard physical labor (Holocaust
One of the toughest hardships throughout WW2 was the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a mass genocide where roughly 6 million jews were killed along with many other innocent victims. Auschwitz is a well known concentration camp that will be thoroughly explained throughout this research paper. Construction began on the concentration camp, Auschwitz in April of 1940 by Germans. Auschwitz consisted of three main camps, Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau), and finally Auschwitz 3 (Manowitz).
One of the most known Concentration camps was Auschwitzs. Located in Southern Poland, Auschwitzs was the largest Concentration camp, which also had the most deaths. There were many smaller camps inside Auschwitzs including the extermination camp at Birkenau. Here they had four large gas chambers that held around 2,000 people each. On January 25th 1945 the Solviet army liberated the camp. But shortly before its liberation 60,000 prisoners were sent on a death march. If you couldnt continue any farther or fell behind you were shot.
Auschwitz was one of the most infamous and largest concentration camp known during World War II. It was located in the southwestern part of Poland commanded by Rudolf Höss. Auschwitz was first opened on June 14, 1940, much later than most of the other camps. It was in Auschwitz that the lives of so many were taken by methods of the gas chamber, crematoriums, and even from starvation and disease. These methods took "several hundreds and sometimes more than a thousand" lives a day. The majority of the lives killed were those of Jews although Gypsies, Yugoslavs, Poles, and many others of different ethnic backgrounds as well. The things most known about Auschwitz are the process people went through when entering the camp and
Imagine traveling to an unknown location, with 100 other human beings in an overcrowded train car, without an food or drink, for days. This is what Holocaust prisoners faced every time they were transported to a new concentration camp. One of the worst being Auschwitz. Unlike most concentration camps, Auschwitz was made up of about 40 other wicked facilities. Also, the camp is known for having the highest death count compared to any other concentration camp. Auschwitz was the most brutal concentration camp in Europe during the Holocaust.
During World War II, there was a time were Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany systematically murdered about 17 million people. This is referred to as the Holocaust. During the Holocaust one of the main camps responsible for the killing of innocent people was Auschwitz. Auschwitz is located near the industrial town of Oświęcim, Poland. The complex consisted of three main camps: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Auschwitz-Birkenau), and Auschwitz III (Auschwitz-Monowitz).
Auschwitz was home to extreme terror, genocide, and represented the intent of the Holocaust. Hitler’s motive to exterminate nearly a whole religion is still widely unknown, making it one of the most confusing and horrific periods in mankind. The even bigger question is why was it mainly the Jewish society, what made them different than the other religions or races around the world. This is why Auschwitz can be viewed in a sense as everyone’s home. It could have happened to any race, nationality, or religion around the world, yet for a peculiar reason it had to be them.
Camps now a days are fun for children when they are bored during the summer they can stay there for weeks make friends and learn all sorts of new stuff while their parents don’t have to deal with them for a while and are sure they are safe and having fun. The camps that are going to be learned about in this reading are the exact opposite, these camps only terrorize, safety is never an option, death is the only answer, and parents would never want their kids to go to through all of this torture and fear. Auschwitz known as the term for the largest camps during the Holocaust was a complex of camps from concentration, forced-labor to death camps. There were three main areas from the many camps including: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau),
All they had was fear, fear and hope. The only other thing that they wanted back was their families. With this, Auschwitz was the biggest concentration camp ever recorded in the holocaust; many of the total death count for the holocaust was recorded in Auschwitz, most of these deaths in Auschwitz, were children. Auschwitz wasn’t always a concentration camp; it used to be a Polish Army camp. The barracks
To begin, some may know what the Holocaust was, some may have only heard of it, but not really know what it was or where it took place. The Holocaust was multiple bureaucratic murders of over six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators. These mass murders took place in multiple concentration camps around Germany. The Auschwitz concentration camp complex was the leading of its kind established by the Nazi’s. It included three main camps, Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2, and Auschwitz 3. Auschwitz 1 was the camp where Polish prisoners were sent, this camp had 16 dilapidated one story structures, which was a previous Polish army barracks, this camp was the central camp. Auschwitz 2 was beginning to undergo construction in October of 1941 to